Calculate circle area java

Calculating the Circle’s Area using Java Programming Language

The formula to calculate the area of a circle is demonstrated below, with an example input and output provided. The algorithm includes the user inputting data based on a prompt.

Find the Area of a Circle in Java Program

This article will explain the method to determine the area of a circle, which is achieved through the use of a specific formula.

pie*radius*radius. i.e. πr2 Where π = 3.14 and r is the radius of the circle.

Here is an illustration of identical actions being performed-

The desired output would be −

The Area of Circle is: 78.57142857142857


Step 1 – START Step 2 – Declare 2 double variables area and radius Step 3 – Read the value of the radius from the user Step 4- Calculate the area of the circle by using the formula (22*radius*radius)/7 and store the result as area Step 5- Display the area value Step 6 – STOP

Example 1

The user provides the input in response to a prompt. You can test this example in our coding ground tool.

import java.util.Scanner; public class AreaOfCircle < public static void main(String args[])< double area, radius; System.out.println("Required packages have been imported"); Scanner my_scanner= new Scanner(; System.out.println("A Scanner object has been defined "); System.out.println("Enter the radius of the circle:"); radius= my_scanner.nextDouble(); area=(22*radius*radius)/7 ; System.out.println("The Area of Circle is: " + area); >>


Required packages have been imported A Scanner object has been defined Enter the radius of the circle: 5 The Area of Circle is: 78.57142857142857

Example 2

The console displays the value of an integer that was defined earlier.

public class AreaOfCircle < public static void main(String args[])< double area, radius; radius= 5; System.out.printf("The radius of the circle is %.8f ", radius); area=(22*radius*radius)/7 ; System.out.println("\nThe Area of Circle is: " + area); >>


The radius of the circle is 5.00000000 The Area of Circle is: 78.57142857142857

How to Calculate the Area of a Circle in Java NetBeans, Calculate the Area of a Circle in Java NetBeans using IF Statem, jTextField, jButton, jLabel Duration: 10:13

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Java Program to Find the area of a Circle using Radius

In this Video Tutorial you will learn to write a Program to find the Area of a Circle using the Duration: 5:32

How to Calculate the Area of a Circle in Java NetBeans

Calculate the Area of a Circle in Java NetBeans using IF Statem, jTextField, jButton, jLabel Duration: 10:13

Java program to print the area and perimeter of a circle

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Using java calculate the area of the circle

You can create a method like this,

public double findAreaOfCircle(double radius)

To pass the radius, you should call the method.

How to calculate area of circle, How to calculate the area of a circle using Java1. Define the radius and area doubles2. Create Duration: 2:17

Calculate area of square, triangle and circle using both inheritance and function overloading, use shape as base class

After defining the classes, it is necessary to create an object using those classes.

Circle c = new Circle(); c.takeInput(); 

Perhaps implementing an abstract approach in Shape would be more suitable. For instance, consider the following solution:

public class Circle extends Shape < public static void main(String[] args) < Circle c = new Circle(); double radius = 1; c.area(radius); >@Override void area(double. params) < if (params.length != 1) < throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected one argument as parameter (the radius)."); >System.out.println("Circle area: " + (Math.PI * Math.pow(params[0], 2))); > > 

Calculate area of square, triangle and circle using both inheritance, why does your Circle can calculate the area of a triangle? – jhamon · Your code does nothing because you don’t do anyhting in your main method. –

How do you find the area of a circle in Java?

The Circle class in Java contains a program that calculates the area of a circle. Within the program, a variable for the radius (r) and the value of pi (3.14) are declared. A Scanner object (s) is used to accept input for the radius of the circle. The area of the circle is then calculated and stored in the variable, «area».

How do you write an area formula in Java?

The area of a circle can be found by using the formula: Area = PI multiplied by the radius squared (r * r), where PI is a constant value.

How do you find the radius and area in Java?

At line 1.1, the Java utility Scanner is imported. The main method at line 2 is declared with a String array argument named ‘args’. At line 3, a new Scanner object ‘s’ is created with the standard input stream as its argument. The message ‘Enter the radius:’ is printed to the console at line 4 using the System.out.println method. The next double value entered by the user is stored in the variable ‘r’ at line 5. The area of the circle is calculated using the formula (22*r*r)/7 and stored in the variable ‘area’ at line 6. Finally, the message ‘Area of Circle is: ‘ concatenated with the value of ‘area’ is printed to the console using System.out.println at line 7.

How do you do radius in Java?

An alternative method for obtaining the radius value involves obtaining input data from the user via the Scanner class. To do so, one would create a Scanner object and prompt the user to enter the radius value using System.out.println. The entered value can then be stored in a double variable named radius.


Рассчитать площадь круга в Java

В этом кратком руководстве мы покажем, как вычислить площадь круга в Java.

Мы будем использовать известную математическую формулу:r^2 * PI.

2. Метод расчета площади круга

Давайте сначала создадим метод, который будет выполнять вычисления:

private void calculateArea(double radius)

2.1. Передача радиуса в качестве аргумента командной строки

Теперь мы можем прочитать аргумент командной строки и вычислить площадь:

double radius = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); calculateArea(radius);

Когда мы скомпилируем и запустим программу:

java javac CircleArea 7

мы получим следующий результат:

The area of the circle [radius = 7.0]: 153.93804002589985

2.2. Чтение радиуса с клавиатуры

Другой способ получить значение радиуса — использовать входные данные от пользователя:

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Please enter radius value: "); double radius = sc.nextDouble(); calculateArea(radius);

Вывод такой же, как в предыдущем примере.

3. Круг класса

Помимо вызова метода для вычисления площади, как мы видели в разделе 2, мы также можем создать класс, представляющий круг:

public class Circle < private double radius; public Circle(double radius) < this.radius = radius; >// standard getter and setter private double calculateArea() < return radius * radius * Math.PI; >public String toString() < return "The area of the circle [radius = " + radius + "]: " + calculateArea(); >>

Мы должны отметить несколько вещей. Во-первых, мы не сохраняем площадь как переменную, так как она напрямую зависит от радиуса, поэтому мы можем легко ее вычислить. Во-вторых, метод вычисления площади является частным, поскольку мы используем его в методеtoString(). The toString() method shouldn’t call any of the public methods in the class since those methods could be overridden and their behavior would be different than the expected.

Теперь мы можем создать экземпляр нашего объекта Circle:

Circle circle = new Circle(7);

Вывод будет, конечно, такой же, как и раньше.

4. Заключение

В этой короткой и краткой статье мы показали различные способы вычисления площади круга с использованием Java.

Как всегда, полный исходный код можно найтиover on GitHub.


Java Program To Calculate Area Of Circle | 5 Ways

Java program to calculate or to print area of a circle in a simple method. If you were new to java or at the beginning stage then, Check – 500+ simple Java programs for beginners.

The following Java program to print the area of a circle has been written in five simple different ways, static method, using constructor, Interface, inheritance with sample outputs for each program.

Table of contents: 5 Simple ways to print AOC

  1. Using Static Method
  2. Using Interface
  3. Inheritance
  4. Using Constructor
  5. Using Method

# Below is the online execution tool, for the following program 🙂

Below is the program to calculate the AOC in java, if you were new to java coding then we can also share the complete step by steps with detailed explanation on how this java program works, just below this code check it out.

1. Static Method

As we know that formula in math is :

But, if you were written like that, then the system won’t understand, until and unless you assign the value of “PIE” is 22/7. As usual , you always represent the values in binary numbers.

The system can’t able to understand whether the given number is a number, or given letter is a letter. All it understood as ” Character ” or just a “ Symbol “. Here goes the complete step by step explanation of the above code and how it works.

( here ‘import’ is a keyword in java used to get features from inbuilt packages. here we using a package called until it consists of many classes and we using one of the class Scanner to get command over console which is the interface between user and program. )

( The main function, where the execution of program start from here onwards )

( 1. The scanner is a class used to scan the input data which was given by the user through a console.

so to get access on a console we want to create an object Syntax:new Scanner(); after creating an object that reference will store in variable ‘s’ )

( above code is giving instructions for the user to give the input for radius)

( here above instruction is get input in the required format. first we want to know about nextDouble() method it takes a token(collection of symbols divide by white space example:”ABC”, “DEF” , “GHI”,”10″,”20″)

which is given by user.when user give 10 as input actually in user perspective it is number but any number or string which entered on console by default those are strings, 1o as string but we want 10 as number format for that we have method to convert string to number(Int, Double, Float, Long…..) some of those method are:

Step – 7: System.out.println(“Area of Circle is: ” + area); ( Once, you entered the radius , the value stored in a particular function ( nextDouble(); ) and read those values with the help of a scanner and display the output for a given value.

A : The major difference is where double can represent the output even after the decimal point , whereas in ” Int ” only the numbers before decimal point will take into consideration.

The second method for the above program #sample method – 2, with online compile using command line arguments method :

Here is the sample line for an integer :

int r=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);//r=10;

The purpose of using the “Double ” is , whenever you enter the radius of a particular number like “7” , the answer is 153.86 , numbers after decimal points will also be displayed on the screen. Whereas if you use the “int” , the digits after the decimal point will be loss.

If you have any doubts related to this program , do comment here. We are glad to help you out.

2. Using Interface

There you go another program using the interface with sample outputs.


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