Built in classes in python

Python Class

Python is a completely object-oriented language. You have been working with classes and objects right from the beginning of these tutorials. Every element in a Python program is an object of a class. A number, string, list, dictionary, etc., used in a program is an object of a corresponding built-in class. You can retrieve the class name of variables or objects using the type() method, as shown below.

num=20 print(type(num)) # s="Python" print(type(s)) #

Defining a Class

A class in Python can be defined using the class keyword.

As per the syntax above, a class is defined using the class keyword followed by the class name and : operator after the class name, which allows you to continue in the next indented line to define class members. The followings are class members.

A class can also be defined without any members. The following example defines an empty class using the pass keyword.

Class instantiation uses function notation. To create an object of the class, just call a class like a parameterless function that returns a new object of the class, as shown below.

Above, Student() returns an object of the Student class, which is assigned to a local variable std . The Student class is an empty class because it does not contain any members.

Class Attributes

Class attributes are the variables defined directly in the class that are shared by all objects of the class. Class attributes can be accessed using the class name as well as using the objects.

class Student: schoolName = 'XYZ School' 

Above, the schoolName is a class attribute defined inside a class. The value of the schoolName will remain the same for all the objects unless modified explicitly.

print(Student.schoolName) #'XYZ School' Student.schoolName = 'ABC School' print(Student.schoolName) #'ABC School' std = Student() print(std.schoolName) #'ABC School' std.schoolName = 'Super School' print(std.schoolName) #'Super School' print(Student.schoolName) #'ABC School' 

As you can see, a class attribute is accessed by Student.schoolName as well as std.schoolName . Changing the value of class attribute using the class name would change it across all instances. However, changing class attribute value using instance does not reflect to other instances or class.

The following example demonstrates the use of class attribute count .

class Student: count = 0 def __init__(self): Student.count += 1 

In the above example, count is an attribute in the Student class. Whenever a new object is created, the value of count is incremented by 1. You can now access the count attribute after creating the objects, as shown below.

std1=Student() print(Student.count) #1 std2 = Student() print(Student.count) #2 std3 = Student() print(Student.count) #3 


In Python, the constructor method is invoked automatically whenever a new object of a class is instantiated, same as constructors in C# or Java. The constructor must have a special name __init__() and a special parameter called self .

The first parameter of each method in a class must be the self , which refers to the calling object. However, you can give any name to the first parameter, not necessarily self .

The following example defines a constructor.

class Student: def __init__(self): # constructor method print('Constructor invoked') s1 = Student() s2 = Student() 

In the above example, whenever you create an object of the Student class, the __init__() constructor method will be called.

In Python, the constructors are mostly used to define instance attributes and assign their default values.

Instance Attributes

Instance attributes are attributes or properties attached to an instance of a class. Instance attributes are defined in the constructor.

The following example defines instance attributes name and age in the constructor.

class Student: schoolName = 'XYZ School' # class attribute def __init__(self): # constructor self.name = '' # instance attribute self.age = 0 # instance attribute 

You can get or set the value of instance attributes using the dot notation: [instance name].[attribute name] , as shown below.

std = Student() print(std.name) #'' print(std.age) #0 std.name = "Bill" std.age=25 print(std.name) #'Bill' print(std.age) #25 

You can specify the values of instance attributes through the constructor. The following constructor includes the name and age parameters, other than the self parameter.

class Student: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age std = Student('Bill',25) #passing values to constructor print(std.name) print(std.age) 

As you can see, you can pass the attributes value while creating an instance.

You can also set default values to the instance attributes. The following code sets the default values of the constructor parameters. So, if the values are not provided when creating an object, the values will be assigned latter.

class Student: def __init__(self, name="Guest", age=25) self.name=name self.age=age std = Student() print(std.name) #'Guest' print(std.age) #25 

Class Properties

In Python, a property in the class can be defined using the property() function.

The property() method in Python provides an interface to instance attributes. It encapsulates instance attributes and provides a property, same as Java and C#.

The property() method takes the get, set and delete methods as arguments and returns an object of the property class.

The following example demonstrates how to create a property in Python using the property() function.

class Student: def __init__(self): self.__name='' def setname(self, name): print('setname() called') self.__name=name def getname(self): print('getname() called') return self.__name name=property(getname, setname) #create object std = Student() std.name="Steve" #calls setname() print(std.name) #calls getname() 

In the above example, property(getname, setname) returns the property object and assigns it to name . Thus, the name property hides the private instance attribute __name . The name property is accessed directly, but internally it will invoke the getname() or setname() method.

Note: It is recommended to use the property decorator instead of the property() method.

Class Methods

You can define as many methods as you want in a class using the def keyword. Each method must have the first parameter, generally named as self , which refers to the calling instance.

class Student: def displayInfo(self): # class method print('Student Information') #create object std = Student() std.displayInfo() #calling method 

In the above displayInfo() method, self is just a conventional name for the first argument. The method can be called as object.method() .

The first parameter of the method need not be named self . You can give any name that refers to the instance of the calling method. The following displayInfo() method names the first parameter as obj instead of self and that works perfectly fine.

class Student: def displayInfo(obj): # class method print('Student Information') 

Defining a method in the class without the self parameter would raise an exception when calling a method.

class Student: def displayInfo(): # method without self parameter print('Student Information') std = Student() std.displayInfo() #error 

The method can access instance attributes using the self parameter.

class Student: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def displayInfo(self): # class method print('Student Name: ', self.name,', Age: ', self.age) 

You can now invoke the method, as shown below.

std = Student('Steve', 25) std.displayInfo() 

Deleting Attribute, Object, Class

You can delete attributes, objects, or the class itself, using the del keyword, as shown below.

class Student: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def displayInfo(self): # class method print('Student Name: ', self.name,', Age: ', self.age) std = Student('Steve', 25) std.displayInfo() del std.name # deleting attribute print(std.name) #error del std print(std.name) #error del Student # deleting class std = Student('Steve', 25) #error 


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