Build android app using html

Android application dev using the SDK or HTML, CSS and JS

Also, you can find out this sample RearGen mobile app on Play Store. Splash Screen Home Screen Using custom template or library To use a custom template, place the template files in the folder in the RearGen root directory. after that android developers move to any other framework to build apps with more ease and more platform support.

Creating android app with HTML, CSS and Javascript for User interface and coding it with java is it possible?

It seems to be possible, but not exactly without difficulties. See «Develop android Application using Html,Css and JavaScript».

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Develop android Application using Html,Css and, The Short answer: Yes, you can develop apps using HTML / CSS / Javascript. Take two WebView Tutorials and call me in the morning. The Long Answer: If you want to write apps for Android that use HTML / CSS / Javascript, you’ll have to at least create a native WebView wrapper. This is …

Android Application With HTML,CSS,JS

Presenting brand new video: Android Application Development with Html , CSS and Javascript .This is very easy …

Android Application With HTML,CSS,JS

Updated Latest Video with CSS and JAVASCRIPT also:https:// /2dL6B77Q9A4Presenting brand new video: Android Application Development with …

How to build an android/ios app using HTML, CSS and

Hey Guys,i am here to tell you about how to build an android app using html css and javascriptfor android and ios DevicesWelcome to the first episode Cross

Android application dev using the SDK or HTML, CSS and JS

Check PhoneGap is based Web Technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It’s very simple to use it. Try it.

Check out Appcelerator Titanium

While other HTML/Css/JS frameworks run your apps inside a web-browser-like environment, Appcelerator claims to run your apps natively. And it seems (almost?) all the functionality that can be achieved through native apps can also be achieved through their SDK.

They also have several convenience features like directly running the app on an emulator or a device, packaging the app for deployment etc., and Titanium Developer runs on Windows, Linux and OS X.

Build an Android App with HTML, CSS and JavaScript in, Navigate to app > new > file and name it as index.html. Use the following code in the index.html file. This Text is shown with help of HTML. Step 4. Working on CSS file. Navigate to app > new > file and name it as style.css. Use the following code in the style.css file. Step 5. Working on Javascript file.

Build Your Android App with HTML, CSS, JS

In this post, we’ll be settings up RearGen to build your first android app with HTML, CSS, and JS.

As you know to become an android developer, first, you have to learn about android studio, java, XML, and Gradle. after that android developers move to any other framework to build apps with more ease and more platform support.

RearGen is a pre-developed framework tool that developers or non-developers can use. It’s working with native based backend and the tool made with python. If someone wants to build an android web app to their hosted website. RearGen is the best selection for that. RearGen makes a signed android app to your hosted website with additional features like a no-internet connection window, pull and refresh button, splash screen, etc.

Although, If someone can’t host their mobile responsive website, they can develop the app with HTML, CSS, and JS. This feature is called In-app development. You can develop your mobile app with basic HTML, CSS, and JS knowledge. otherwise, you can use third-party CSS and JS library, templates, and any other browser-supported things. Below I listed the main features in RearGen.

  • Running with native code base backend
  • Fast and easy
  • Build less than 5MB app
  • More customisation
  • Connection lost window
  • Pull and refresh facility
  • No SSL bypass
  • High quality rendering
  • Develop with HTML / CSS / JavaScript
  • Generating support
  • Live testing
  • Live installing
  • Recollecting feature
  • Full debugging details
  • External CSS and JavaScript libraries supported
  • Third party library support


First, you need to download the latest RearGen release or LTS release from GitHub or clone the repo. After that, install supported JDK 8 or JDK 16 or whatever supported version on your computer. then, follow the Start Development instructions on my GitHub.

These are sample splash and home screens. you can code whatever you want. Also, you can find out this sample RearGen mobile app on Play Store.

Splash Screen Home Screen
splash ss home ss

Using custom template or library

To use a custom template, place the template files in the src folder in the RearGen root directory. those instructions you can find out on my RearGen GitHub repository.


RearGen does not come with mobile-responsive components. So fornyKit is also known as RearGen Material Kit handles HTML elements as android responsive components. Try fornyKit to your RearGen project.

Creating android app with HTML, CSS and Javascript for, You need to make a decision between a native Android application (using Java and XML) or a web-app (using HTML, CSS, and whatever web technologies strike your fancy). You do not need CSS to make your XML layouts look good, but you will need to learn how to style elements with XML in the …

How to start developing Android application with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jquery?

First of all you should decide which framework you want to use. The next step is to setup environment. Let’s say you want to code with PhoneGap, than you need Eclipse and Android SDK, etc. The list of software you will find in a description.

Actually in my view it is not necessary to use jQuery or its mobile version for development. Sometimes you only need to create an up to 5-6 pages app with some basic animation which is easy to make with CSS3 Transition3D.

However, when you plan to create a big app with complicated business logic, than you may need to use some framework like Sencha or Angular (it depends on your needs).

Talking about frameworks you must understand that every framework is for certain purpose only. I mean, it is ridiculous to use, for instance, knockoutJS for big apps, because the only thing it has been developed for is data binding between model and view. Moreover, in many cases you don’t need a framework at all.

Anyway, first of all you should to learn JavaScript basics. I mean how it works, in which steps a code is being processed, that is a function and what in a prototype and so on. Otherwise, you will never know how to write an effective code or how to optimize your code for better performance. It is critical for a mobile devices as they are not such powerful as a desktops. Also you need to understand how a browser works (rendering, network, etc).

You learn here javascript and jquery by simple way

You can build apps using html, css, javascript with phone gap

You can use cross mobile platform.Sencha touch is also one of the cross platform to start.

Android application dev using the SDK or HTML, CSS, Last night I learnt that it is possible to develop apps for Android using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, much like you would do a client side website. Is this a widely used approach? Because I have started to learn developing with the SDK but I naturally know more about HTML, CSS and Javascript, so I’d like to …


How to Create Android & iOS Mobile App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development, avoiding each mobile platform native development language. Applications execute within wrappers targeted to each platform, and rely on standards-compliant API bindings to access each device’s sensors, data, and network status.” If you want to learn how to develop Android & iOS Mobile apps using HTML, CSS, JS & Apache Cordova then enroll in my course here with 90% discount. Apache Cordova — Build Hybrid Mobile Apps with HTML CSS & JS In this blog post, I’ll show you how to Create your first Cordova Project for Android, iOS, Browser, and Desktop using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By Cross-Platform, we mean that the application codebase can be written once using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript and it can be run across multiple target mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, Firefox, Ubuntu mobile. The web development community has been continually innovating and with the recent development of frameworks such as Angular, IONIC, jQuery and React, the traditional web applications have now almost become indistinguishable from their native platform-specific peers in terms of functionality. Apache Cordova can be extended with native plug-ins, allowing developers to add more functionalities that can be called from JavaScript, making it communicate directly between the native layer and the HTML5 page. These plugins allow access to the device’s accelerometer, camera, compass, file system, microphone, and more. However, the use of Web-based technologies leads some Apache Cordova applications to run slower than native applications with similar functionality. And the most important thing is: Cordova is free and open source. Here’s how to get started with Apache Cordova.

Use Apache Cordova if you are:

  • a mobile developer and want to extend an application across more than one platform, without having to re-implement it with each platform’s language and toolset.
  • a web developer and want to deploy a web app that’s packaged for distribution in various app store portals.
  • a mobile developer interested in mixing native application components with a WebView (special browser window) that can access device-level APIs, or if you want to develop a plugin interface between native and WebView components.

If you would like to watch and learn from video then you must watch on YouTube and also subscribe to the “Instill Learning” YouTube channel for a future tutorial.


Before creating a new Cordova App, there are few prerequisites and you have to install this software:

*Node.js (npm comes with Node.js) [ ]
*Cordova [after installing node.js, you can install cordova through command line or terminal by using following command “npm install -g cordova“] [ ]

Step 1: Create a new Cordova App

cordova create DeviceInfo info.androidabcd.deviceinfo DeviceInfoSample

After creating the new app, move to Cordova project folder

Step 2: Add the Android platform

cordova platform add android@latest

Step 3: Add plugin to get device information

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device

By using this plugin you get the following device information:

  • device.cordova
  • device.model
  • device.platform
  • device.uuid
  • device.version
  • device.manufacturer
  • device.isVirtual
  • device.serial

Step 4: Open code in Visual Studio Code Editor

If you haven’t install visual studio code then download and install from here:

You can open the Cordova project from the command line or terminal by typing ” code . ” [code space dot], or you can directly drag & drop the project into visual studio code.

Open code in visual studio code

Step 5: Edit index.html in www folder

Step 6: Edit index.js in www folder

Step 7: Edit index.css in www folder

Step 8: Prepare the Cordova project

After editing the source code in www folder, you must prepare the code, so that it can distribute to all platforms you have added. to prepare the source code type following command in the command line or terminal:

Step 9: Build Cordova Project

Once you build your Cordova project, you will notice that it will generate APK File and that you can install it manually in any Android device. Or if you want to install the app using the command line then see the next step.

Step 10: Run Cordova App in Android Emulator

You have to run Android Emulator before running this command.


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