- CSS Border Radius Generator
- How to use Online CSS Border Radius Generator?
- CSS Border Generator
- Sample list. Select the one that most closely matches the image of what you want to make. It is possible to edit after selecting.
- How to use the tool
- List of generators
- CSS Gradation Generator
- CSS Button Generator
- CSS Box Shadow Generator
- CSS Text Shadow Generator
- CSS Border Generator
- CSS Filter Generator
- CSS Triangle & Arrow Generator
- CSS Backdrop-filter Generator
- CSS Transform 2D/3D Generator
- CSS Transition Generator
- CSS Animation & Keyframes Generator
- List of other Tools
- Characters Counter
- Description of each CSS property
- CSS Border Generator
- What can you do with CSS Border Maker?
- Code Beautify
CSS Border Radius Generator
CSS Border Radius Generator is a free online tool for generating CSS border radius. «border-radius» is one of the most used CSS properties to soften corners of HTML boxes. If you use equal border-radius on all corners, it is relatively easy to apply, and you don’t need any helper tool to set it. Even most developers don’t know, CSS border radius may take arguments up to 8, 2 for each corner and each one determines slope of each axis of the corner. By setting all these 8 parameters, you can use CSS border-radius property in a more professional way to mask colors, images, and html elements.
You can either use standard CSS units like pixel (px), rem, em or percentages for border-radius. Percentages will be used in this tool to represent a more general solution, but you can convert them to standard units by your own if you prefer.
Here is a representation of an advanced usage of border-radius for masking an image. By settings border-radius of each corner individually, it is possible to obtain artistic results with images, gradients, or event with solid colors.
There are 2 main options for settings radius of each border. By default, there are 8 dots to set, 2 for each corner. If you enable «Merge Edge Radiuses» option, number of dots will reduce to 4 and each dot will control 2 radii at the same time. This option is better for setting more curvy shapes.
How to use Online CSS Border Radius Generator?
You can generate CSS code for border-radius property by following these steps.
- Set the positions of each dot by dragging them to desired positions.
- There are 3 preview types. Solid color, gradient, or image. You can preview border-radius in each mode, either with guides or by hiding them with «Hide Guides» option to see result.
- Width and height of the image can be set if you need.
- If you want to merge edge radiuses, you can enable this option to control 2 neighbor radiuses with one dot.
- If you get the desired result in preview, you can copy the CSS code by clicking «Copy» button and paste it in your project’s styles directly.
CSS Border Generator
It is a CSS automatic generation tool for adding a border.
In addition to being able to specify up, down, left and right individually, you can also generate dotted lines, dashed lines, double lines, and three-dimensional lines (groove / ridge / isnet / outset). increase. You can also specify the preview size (width / height) and rounded corners (border-radius)
Sample list. Select the one that most closely matches the image of what you want to make. It is possible to edit after selecting.
Please note that when you select the example in the sample list, any data being edited will be overwritten.
How to use the tool
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・I want to know various ways to use it
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For those who like, we have prepared a video that introduces the contents and features and explains how to use it.
Please take advantage of it.
Lots more videos on Youtube!
List of generators
CSS Gradation Generator
CSS Button Generator
CSS Box Shadow Generator
CSS Text Shadow Generator
CSS Border Generator
CSS Filter Generator
CSS Triangle & Arrow Generator
CSS Backdrop-filter Generator
CSS Transform 2D/3D Generator
CSS Transition Generator
CSS Animation & Keyframes Generator
List of other Tools
Characters Counter
Description of each CSS property
Each value (value) can be specified as follows
border: border width border type border color
Example description) border: 1px solid #333
Incidentally, the order of the values does not matter; the initial value of border is none.
- border-top-width
- border-right-width
- border-bottom-width
- border-left-width
- border-top-style
- border-right-style
- border-bottom-style
- border-left-style
- border-top-color
- border-right-color
- border-bottom-color
- border-left-color
- double. Two straight lines (double lines) are displayed and the total width is the px size specified in border-width.
- groove. It is displayed as a three-dimensional depressed line.It is the reverse of ridge.
- ridge.It appears as a three-dimensional raised line, the opposite of groove.
- inset. The top and left lines will appear darker, the bottom and right lines will appear lighter, and the entire image will appear as if it is three-dimensionally depressed. This is the opposite of outset.
- outset. The top and left lines will appear lighter, while the bottom and right lines will appear darker, giving the appearance of three-dimensional ridges. The opposite is true of inset.
- dashed. Displays a dashed line. Displays a series of dashes or line segments with short, square corners.
- dotted. It is displayed as a dotted line. Specifically, it displays a series of round dots. The radius of the dots is half of the calculated border-width of the same edge.
The border-radius property allows you to round the corners of an element.
Setting one radius results in circular corners; setting two radiuses results in elliptical corners.
The value can be specified in units of px, em, %, etc. and can be specified as follows
Example description) border-radius: 5px;
Initial value is 0.
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-bottom-left-radius
First of all, HEX, which you see most often (hexadecimal number), is a way of expressing colors in hexadecimal. It is expressed in the form of #1234ab.
The six digits after # are the values of red (1st~2nd digits), green (3rd~4th digits), and blue (5th~6th digits). Various colors are represented according to the color intensity of each value.
If each of the two digits is the same value, a three-digit expression can be used. For example, #aa9933 can be represented as #a93.
If you want to specify the transparency in hexadecimal, you can use an 8-digit number, with the 7th to 8th digits also in hexadecimal. 80% transparency can be specified with #aa9933CC, for example.
RGB, like HEX, is capable of representing colors in red, green, and blue.
Each value can be specified in the range 0 ~ 255 and is represented as rgb( red value , green value , blue value ).
Example description) rgb(10, 50, 220)
If you want to specify transparency, you can use rgba( red value , green value , blue value , transparency(alpha) ).
The alpha value can be specified in the range 0~1, for example rgba(0, 0, 255, .5).
- Hue:Basically, you can specify a number between 0 and 360. If you specify a number beyond this range, it will be considered as a circumference, so for example, if you specify 380, it will be the same as 20.
- Lightness:You can specify a value between 0 and 100%; the closer to 100%, the brighter the image. Conversely, the closer the value is to 0%, the darker it becomes.
CSS Border Generator
CSS Border Generator helps to generate CSS Border code which can be pasted in CSS. Select options and Generate Border code.
What can you do with CSS Border Maker?
- It helps to generate border css code. Easy to generate border with css syntax.
- This tool can be used as fake border generator or maker.
- Online CSS Border Maker works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.
Code Beautify
- HEX to Pantone Converter
- RGB to Pantone Converter
- HSV to Pantone Converter
- CMYK to Pantone Converter
- CMYK to HEX Converter
- CMYK to RGB Converter
- CMYK to HSV Converter
- HSV to HEX Converter
- HSV to RGB Converter
- HSV to CMYK Converter
- HEX to HSV Converter
- RGB to HEX Converter
- RGB to HSV Converter
- RGB to CMYK Converter
- HEX to RGB Converter
- HEX to CMYK Converter
- Pantone to HEX Converter
- Pantone to RGB Converter
- Pantone to CMYK Converter
- Pantone to HSV Converter
- Base32 Encode
- Base32 Decode
- Base58 Encode
- Base58 Decode
- Base64 Encode
- Base64 Decode
- URL Encode Online
- URL Decode Online
- JSON URL Encode
- JSON URL Decode
- HTML Encode
- HTML Decode
- XML URL Encoding
- XML URL Decoding
- UTF8 Converter
- UTF8 Decode
- Hex to UTF8
- JSON Decode Online
- JSON Encode Online
- Image to Base64
- Base64 to Image
- PNG to Base64
- JPG to Base64
- JSON to Base64
- XML to Base64
- YAML to Base64
- Base64 to JSON
- Base64 to XML
- Base64 to YAML
- CSV to Base64
- Base64 to CSV
- TSV to Base64
- Base64 to TSV
- Binary to Base64
- Base64 to Binary
- Hex to Base64
- Base64 to Hex
- Octal to Base64
- More Base64 Tools
- HTML Stripper
- HTML Table Generator
- HTML to CSV Converter
- HTML to TSV Converter
- HTML to PHP Converter
- HTML to Text
- Text to HTML Entities
- HTML Entities to Text
- HTML to Markdown
- Markdown to HTML
- PUG to HTML Converter
- HTML to PUG Converter
- JADE to HTML Converter
- HTML to JADE Converter
- HTML to BBCode Converter
- BBCode to HTML Converter
- Send Snap Message
- Responsive Website Tester
- Credit Card Validator
- Credit Card Fake Number Generator
- XPath Tester
- JSON Path Tester
- JSON Minifier
- File Difference
- JSON Diff
- XML Diff
- Broken Link Checker
- JSON Deserialize Online
- JSON Serialize Online
- JSON Stringify Online
- XML Stringify Online
- String to JSON Online
- JavaScript Obfuscator
- Curl to PHP
- Crontab Format
- CSS Beautifier
- CSS to Stylus
- Stylus Compiler
- Stylus to CSS
- Stylus to LESS
- Stylus to SCSS
- Stylus to SASS
- LESS Compiler
- LESS to Stylus
- SCSS Compiler
- SCSS to Stylus
- SASS Compiler
- SASS to Stylus
- Encryption-Decryption
- HMAC Generator
- MD2 Hash Generator
- MD4 Hash Generator
- MD5 Hash Generator
- MD6 Hash Generator
- NTLM Hash Generator
- SHA1 Hash Generator
- SHA2 Hash Generator
- SHA224 Hash Generator
- SHA256 Hash Generator
- SHA384 Hash Generator
- SHA512 Hash Generator
- SHA512/224 Hash Generator
- SHA512/256 Hash Generator
- SHA3-224 Hash Generator
- SHA3-256 Hash Generator
- SHA3-384 Hash Generator
- SHA3-512 Hash Generator
- CRC-16 Hash Generator
- CRC-32 Hash Generator
- Shake-128 Hash Generator
- Shake-256 Hash Generator
- Whirlpool Hash Generator
- WordPress Password Hash Generator
- JSON Beautifier
- CSS Beautifier
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- Javascript Beautifier
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- C# Beautifier
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- Angular Formatter
- React Formatter
- Lua Beautifier
- XAML Beautifier
- Upside Down Text
- Random Word Generator
- NTLM Hash Generator
- Password Generator
- String Builder
- Number to Word Converter
- Word to Number Converter
- Word Repeater
- Reverse String
- String to Hex Converter
- Hex to String Converter
- String to Binary Converter
- Binary to String Converter
- Case Converter
- Delimited Text Extractor
- Remove Accents
- Remove Duplicate Lines
- Remove Empty Lines
- Remove Extra Spaces
- Remove Whitespace
- Remove Line Breaks
- Remove Lines Containing
- Sort Text Lines
- Word Sorter
- Word Frequency Counter
- Text Repeater
- Remove Punctuation
- All Numbers Converter
- Decimal to Binary
- Decimal to Octal
- Binary to Decimal
- Binary to Hex
- Binary to Octal
- Hex to Decimal
- Hex to Binary
- Hex to Octal
- Octal toDecimal
- Octal to Binary
- Octal to Hex
- Binary to Text
- Text to Binary
- ASCII to Text
- Char to ASCII
- Reverse Hex
- Lorem-Ipsum
- Sharelink Generator
- Hostname to IP
- IP to Hostname
- Phone to IP Address
- IP Address to Phone
- DNS Lookup
- MX Lookup
- Nameserver Lookup
- Website to IP Address
- Open Port Checker
- Webcam Test
- Random IP Address
- Random Time Generator
- Random UUID Generator
- Random JSON Generator
- Random XML Generator
- Random Data from Regex
- Random CSV Generator
- Random Number Generator
- Random Integer Generator
- Random Prime Generator
- Random Date Generator
- Random Bitmap Generator
- Random Name Picker
- Text Lines shuffler
- MAC Address Generator
- Random Hex Generator
- Random TSV Generator
- Random String Generator
- Random Fraction Generator
- Random Integer Range Generator
- Random Binary Generator
- Random Byte Generator
- Random Decimal Generator
- Random Alphanumeric Generator
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