Blinking text with css

How to Create Blinking Text Effects with CSS and Keyframes

Learn how to create eye-catching blinking text effects using CSS and keyframes. Avoid using the deprecated HTML blink tag and follow these helpful tips.

  • CSS3 Animations
  • Avoid Using HTML Tag
  • How to Create CSS Blinking Text (Quick Tutorial)
  • Creating a CSS Blink Class
  • JavaScript Method
  • CSS Variables and Keyframes
  • Other simple examples of CSS and HTML code to make text blink
  • Conclusion
  • How do I make text blink in HTML w3schools?
  • How do you make an animation blink in CSS?
  • How to blink text in HTML JavaScript?

Blinking text is a simple but effective way to add eye-catching effects to your website or webpage. While the HTML tag was once used to create this effect, it is now deprecated and not recommended. Fortunately, it is possible to achieve this effect using CSS and the @keyframes rule. In this post, we will explain how to create blinking text using CSS and provide some helpful tips.

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CSS3 Animations

CSS3 has made it possible to create animations without any JavaScript code. Using CSS animations, it is possible to create blinking text effects. The @keyframes rule changes the current style to a new one in a specific time frame and repeats it. Here is an example of how to use @keyframes to create a blinking text effect:

@keyframes blink < 0% < opacity: 1; >50% < opacity: 0; >100% < opacity: 1; >>.blink

In this example, the opacity of the text changes from 1 to 0 and then back to 1, creating a blinking effect. The .blink class applies this animation to the text, making it blink continuously.

Avoid Using HTML Tag

The HTML tag is a non-standard element that causes the enclosed text to flash slowly. However, it is deprecated and not recommended to use. Instead, use CSS and the @keyframes rule to create blinking text effects. Here is an example of how to make text blink using CSS and the opacity property:

.blink < animation: blink 1s infinite; >@keyframes blink < 0% < opacity: 1; >50% < opacity: 0; >100% < opacity: 1; >> 

This code creates the same blinking effect as the previous example, but without using the HTML tag.

How to Create CSS Blinking Text (Quick Tutorial)

This Video is going to show you How to Create CSS Blinking Text (Quick Tutorial)Subscribe to Duration: 2:35

The easiest way to make text blink is by using a CSS blink class. Here is an example of how to create a CSS blink class:

.blink < animation: blink 1s infinite; >@keyframes blink < 0% < opacity: 1; >50% < opacity: 0; >100% < opacity: 1; >> 

To use this class, simply apply it to the text you want to blink:

You can also customize the timing duration, iterations, and other options for the blinking text by adjusting the values in the CSS code.

JavaScript Method

Another way to make text blink is by using the JavaScript blink() method. This method simulates the behavior of the HTML tag by repeatedly toggling the display of the text. Here is an example of how to use the blink() method:

This code creates a timer-based blinking effect that toggles the visibility of the text every half a second. You can also use the animation-fill-mode property to specify what happens when the animation is not playing.

CSS Variables and Keyframes

CSS variables and @keyframes can simplify the process of creating more complex blinking text animations. Here is an example of how to use CSS variables and @keyframes to create a blinking text effect:

:root < --blink-duration: 1s; >.blink < animation: blink var(--blink-duration) infinite; >@keyframes blink < 0% < opacity: 1; >50% < opacity: 0; >100% < opacity: 1; >> 

In this example, a CSS variable —blink-duration is used to set the duration of the blinking animation. The .blink class applies this animation to the text. Using CSS variables makes it easier to customize the duration of the animation and reuse the code for different elements.

Other simple examples of CSS and HTML code to make text blink

In Css as proof, css blink code example

.blink_me < animation: blinker 1s linear infinite; >@keyframes blinker < 50% < opacity: 0; >>


In conclusion, blinking text effects can be created using CSS and the @keyframes rule. Using the HTML tag is not recommended as it is deprecated. Creating a CSS blink class is the easiest way to make text blink. CSS variables and @keyframes can simplify the process of creating more complex blinking text animations. By following the tips provided in this post, you can create a blinking text effect that will add an eye-catching element to your website or webpage.


How to make blinking/flashing text with css 3 in Html?

HTML and CSS are used to create web pages and apply styling to them. One popular design element is creating blinking or flashing text. While this effect may seem outdated or distracting, it can be useful in certain situations such as calling attention to important information. There are a few different ways to create this effect using CSS3.

Method 1: CSS Animation

To make text blink or flash using CSS3, you can use CSS animation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, create a CSS class for the blinking effect. For example, you can name it .blink .
  2. Next, define the animation using @keyframes . In this case, we want the text to alternate between visible and hidden. Here’s an example:
@keyframes blink  0%  visibility: visible; > 50%  visibility: hidden; > 100%  visibility: visible; > >

This animation will start with the text visible, then hide it at the 50% mark, and show it again at the end.

.blink  animation: blink 1s infinite; >

This will apply the blink animation to any element with the .blink class, making it blink every 1 second indefinitely.

@keyframes blink  0%  visibility: visible; > 50%  visibility: hidden; > 100%  visibility: visible; > > .blink  animation: blink 1s infinite; >

Method 2: JavaScript

To make text blink or flash using JavaScript, you can use the setInterval() method to toggle the visibility property of the text element. Here’s an example:

DOCTYPE html> html> head> title>Blinking Texttitle> style> .blink  visibility: visible; > .blink.hidden  visibility: hidden; > style> head> body> h1 class="blink">Hello World!h1> script> setInterval(function()  var elem = document.querySelector('.blink'); elem.classList.toggle('hidden'); >, 500); script> body> html>

In this example, we define a CSS class called .blink that sets the visibility property to visible . We also define a second class called .hidden that sets the visibility property to hidden . We then apply the .blink class to the h1 element.

In the JavaScript code, we use the setInterval() method to execute a function every 500 milliseconds. This function selects the h1 element using document.querySelector() , and toggles the .hidden class using classList.toggle() . This causes the text to blink on and off every half second.

You can adjust the interval time to make the text blink faster or slower. You can also modify the CSS classes to change the style of the blinking text.

Method 3: CSS3 Keyframes

To make blinking/flashing text with CSS3 Keyframes, follow these steps:

@keyframes blink  0%  opacity: 1; > 50%  opacity: 0; > 100%  opacity: 1; > >
.blink-text  animation: blink 1s infinite; >
p class="blink-text">Blinking text with CSS3 Keyframesp>

This will make the text blink or flash continuously. You can adjust the animation duration and timing function to achieve different effects.

Here’s another example using different animation properties:

@keyframes blink  0%  color: red; > 50%  color: blue; > 100%  color: green; > > .blink-text  animation: blink 2s linear infinite alternate; >

This will make the text change color between red, blue, and green, and the animation will alternate back and forth. The linear timing function makes the animation smooth and consistent.

You can experiment with different properties and values to create your own unique blinking text effect.


How to Create a Blinking Effect with CSS3 Animations

Often, the blinking effect is used to bring the users to the attention of some text on your website. If you need such an effect, try using CSS animations.

Solutions with CSS animations

CSS3 allows creating animation without any Javascript code. To have a blinking text effect, you also need the @keyframes rule. We use CSS animation by defining some keyframes for our blinking text animation and set the visibility to «hidden». In our example below, we also add the -webkit- extension to the animation property for more browser compatibility.

Example of creating a blinking text effect with CSS3 animations:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .blink < animation: blink-animation 1s steps(5, start) infinite; -webkit-animation: blink-animation 1s steps(5, start) infinite; > @keyframes blink-animation < to < visibility: hidden; > > @-webkit-keyframes blink-animation < to < visibility: hidden; > > style> head> body> Here is a span class="blink">blinking span> text. body> html>


Example of adding a blinking text effect:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .blink < width: 220px; height: 50px; background-color: #342ab8; padding: 10px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; > span < font-size: 26px; font-family: cursive; color: #fff; animation: blink 2s linear infinite; > @keyframes blink < 0% < opacity: 0; > 50% < opacity: .5; > 100% < opacity: 1; > > style> head> body> div class="blink"> span>blinking text span> div> body> html>

It is also possible to have a blinking background with CSS3 animations. Here also we create a set of keyframes and then specify the background-color at the starting and ending points.

Example of creating a blinking background:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> @keyframes blinking < 0% < background-color: #06c3d1; border: 3px solid #666; > 100% < background-color: #270da6; border: 3px solid #666; > > #blink < width: 200px; height: 200px; animation: blinking 1s infinite; > style> head> body> div id="blink"> div> body> html>


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