Beginning java 8 apis extensions and libraries

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Source code for ‘Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries’ by Kishori Sharan



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This repository accompanies Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries by Kishori Sharan (Apress, 2014).

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Source code for ‘Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries’ by Kishori Sharan


Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries Swing, JavaFX, JavaScript, JDBC and Network Programming APIs

Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries Swing, JavaFX, JavaScript, JDBC and Network Programming APIs

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Book description

Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries completes the Apress learning Java journey and is a comprehensive approach to learning the Java programming language extensions and available APIs and libraries, including the new JavaFX APIs.

This book covers the key extensions of the Java programming language such as Swing, JavaFX, network programming, and JDBC. Each topic starts with a discussion of the topic’s background. A step-by-step process, with small snippets of Java code, provides easy-to-follow instructions. At the end of a topic, a complete and ready-to-run Java program is provided. This book contains over 130 images and diagrams to help you visualize and better understand the topics. More than 130 complete programs allow you to practice and quickly learn the topics.

The Swing chapters discuss various aspects of working with a GUI, from the very basic concepts of developing a Swing application, to the most advanced topics, such as decorating a Swing component with a JLayer, drag-and-drop features, Synth Skinnable L&F, etc.

The chapter on network programming covers the basics of network technologies first, and then, the advanced topics of network programming, using a Java class library. It covers IPv4 and IPv6, addressing schemes, subnetting, supernetting, multicasting, TCP/IP sockets, UPD sockets, asynchronous socket I/O, etc.

The chapter on JDBC provides the details of connecting and working with databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Java DB (Apache Derby), Sybase, Adaptive Server Anywhere, etc. It contains a complete discussion on processing a ResultSet and a RowSet. It discusses how to use the RowSetFactory, to obtain a RowSet object of a specific type. Working with Large Objects (LOBs), such as Blob, Clob, and NClob, is covered in detail with Java code examples and database scripts.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. About the Author
  8. About the Technical Reviewer
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Foreword
  11. Introduction
  12. Chapter 1: Introduction to Swing
    1. What Is Swing?
    2. The Simplest Swing Program
    3. Components of a JFrame
    4. Adding Components to a JFrame
    5. Some Utility Classes
      1. The Point Class
      2. The Dimension Class
      3. The Insets Class
      4. The Rectangle Class
      1. FlowLayout
      2. BorderLayout
      3. CardLayout
      4. BoxLayout
      5. GridLayout
      6. GridBagLayout
      7. SpringLayout
      8. GroupLayout
      9. The null Layout Manager
      1. What Is a Swing Component?
      2. JButton
      3. JPanel
      4. JLabel
      5. Text Components
        1. JTextComponent
        2. JTextField
        3. JPasswordField
        4. JFormattedTextField
        5. JTextArea
        6. JEditorPane
        7. JTextPane
        1. JFileChooser
        2. JColorChooser
        1. Using HTML in Swing Components
        2. Threading Model in Swing
        3. Pluggable Look and Feel
        4. Skinnable Look-and-Feel
        5. Drag and Drop
        6. Multiple Document Interface Application
        7. The Toolkit Class
        8. Decorating Components Using JLayer
        9. Translucent Windows
        10. Shaped Window
        11. Summary
        1. What Is an Applet?
        2. Developing an Applet
        3. Writing an Applet
        4. Deploying an Applet
          1. Creating the HTML Document
          2. Deploying Applets in Production
          3. Deploying Applets for Testing
          1. Installing the Java Plug-in
          2. Opening the Java Control Panel
          3. Configuring Java Plug-in
          1. Example 1
          2. Example 2
          3. Example 3
          1. The init() Method
          2. The start() Method
          3. The stop() Method
          4. The destroy() Method
          1. Using Images in an Applet
          2. Playing Audio Clips in an Applet
          3. Interacting with the Applet’s Environment
          4. Communion of Applet, HTML, and JavaScript
          5. Packaging Applets in Archives
          6. The Event Dispatching Thread and Applets
          7. Painting in Applets
          8. Is the Java Code Trusted?
          9. Security Restrictions for Applets
          10. Signing Applets
            1. Step 1: Developing an Applet
            2. Step 2: Packaging Class Files into a JAR File
            3. Step 3: Generating Private/Public Key Pair
            4. Step 4: Signing the JAR File
            5. Step 5: Creating the HTML File
            6. Step 6: Viewing the Signed Applet
            1. What Is Network Programming?
            2. Network Protocol Suite
            3. IP Addressing Scheme
              1. IPv4 Addressing Scheme
              2. IPv6 Addressing Scheme
              1. Loopback IP Address
              2. Unicast IP Address
              3. Multicast IP Address
              4. Anycast IP Address
              5. Broadcast IP Address
              6. Unspecified IP Address
              1. The Socket Primitive
              2. The Bind Primitive
              3. The Listen Primitive
              4. The Accept Primitive
              5. The Connect Primitive
              6. The Send/Sendto Primitive
              7. The Receive/ReceiveFrom Primitive
              8. The Close Primitive
              1. Setting Up an Asynchronous Server Socket Channel
              2. Setting up an Asynchronous Client Socket Channel
              3. Putting the Server and the Client Together
              1. Creating the Datagram Channel
              2. Setting the Channel Options
              3. Sending Datagrams
              1. Creating the Datagram Channel
              2. Setting the Channel Options
              3. Binding the Channel
              4. Setting the Multicast Network Interface
              5. Joining the Multicast Group
              6. Receiving a Message
              7. Closing the Channel
              1. What Is the JDBC API?
              2. System Requirements
              3. Types of JDBC Drivers
                1. JDBC Native API Driver
                2. JDBC-Net Driver
                3. JDBC Driver
                1. Java DB Installation Files
                2. Configuring Java DB
                3. Running the Java DB Server
                1. Oracle Database
                2. Adaptive Server Anywhere Database
                3. SQL Server Database
                4. DB2 Database
                5. MySQL Database
                6. Java DB Database
                1. Obtaining the JDBC Driver
                2. Setting up the CLASSPATH
                3. Registering a JDBC Driver
                4. Setting the jdbc.drivers System Property
                5. Loading the Driver Class
                6. Using the registerDriver() Method
                7. Constructing a Connection URL
                8. Establishing the Database Connection
                1. Dirty Read
                2. Non-Repeatable Read
                3. Phantom Read
                1. Results of Executing a SQL Statement
                2. Using the Statement Interface
                3. Using the PreparedStatement Interface
                4. CallableStatement Interface
                1. What Is a ResultSet?
                2. Getting a ResultSet
                3. Getting the Number of Rows in a ResultSet
                4. Bidirectional Scrollable ResultSets
                5. Scrolling Through Rows of a ResultSet
                6. Knowing the Cursor Position in a ResultSet
                7. Closing a ResultSet
                1. Inserting a Row Using a ResultSet
                2. Updating a Row Using a ResultSet
                3. Deleting a Row Using a ResultSet
                1. MySQL Database
                2. Adaptive Server Anywhere Database
                3. Oracle Database
                4. SQL Server Database
                5. DB2 Database
                6. Java DB Database
                1. Retrieving LOB Data
                2. Creating a LOB Data
                1. What Is Java Remote Method Invocation?
                2. The RMI Architecture
                3. Developing an RMI Application
                  1. Writing the Remote Interface
                  2. Implementing the Remote Interface
                  3. Writing the RMI Server Program
                  4. Writing the RMI Client Program
                  1. Running the RMI Registry
                  2. Running the RMI Server
                  3. Running an RMI Client Program
                  1. java.rmi.StubNotFoundException
                  2. java.rmi.server.ExportException
                  4. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
                  1. What Is the Java Native Interface?
                  2. System Requirements
                  3. Getting Started with the JNI
                    1. Writing the Java Program
                    2. Compiling the Java Program
                    3. Creating the C/C++ Header File
                    4. Writing the C/C++ Program
                    5. Creating a Shared Library
                    6. Running the Java Program
                    1. Getting a Class Reference
                    2. Accessing Fields and Methods of a Java Object/Class
                    3. Creating Java Objects
                    1. Handle the Exception in Native Code
                    2. Handling the Exception in Java Code
                    3. Throwing a New Exception from Native Code
                    1. What Is JavaFX?
                    2. The History of JavaFX
                    3. System Requirements
                    4. The JavaFX Runtime Library
                    5. JavaFX Source Code
                    6. Your First JavaFX Application
                      1. Creating the HelloJavaFX Class
                      2. Overriding the start() Method
                      3. Showing the Stage
                      4. Launching the Application
                      5. Adding the main() Method
                      6. Adding a Scene to the Stage
                      1. Using Properties in JavaFX Beans
                      2. Handling Property Invalidation Events
                      3. Handling Property Change Events
                      4. Property Bindings in JavaFX
                      1. Event Processing Mechanism
                      2. Creating Event Filters and Handlers
                      3. Registering Event Filters and Handlers
                      1. Using the Timeline Animation
                      1. What Is Scripting in Java?
                      2. Executing Your First Script
                      3. Using Other Scripting Languages
                      4. Exploring the javax.script Package
                        1. The ScriptEngine and ScriptEngineFactory Interfaces
                        2. The AbstractScriptEngine Class
                        3. The ScriptEngineManager Class
                        4. The Compilable Interface and the CompiledScript Class
                        5. The Invocable Interface
                        6. The Bindings Interface and the SimpleBindings Class
                        7. The ScriptContext Interface and the SimpleScriptContext Class
                        8. The ScriptException Class
                        9. Discovering and Instantiating ScriptEngines
                        1. Passing Parameters from Java Code to Scripts
                        2. Passing Parameters from Scripts to Java Code
                        1. Bindings
                        2. Scope
                        3. Defining the Script Context
                        4. Putting Them Together
                        1. Declaring Variables
                        2. Importing Java Classes
                        3. Creating and Using Java Objects
                        4. Using Overloaded Java Methods
                        5. Using Java Arrays
                        6. Extending Java Classes Implementing Interfaces
                        7. Using Lambda Expressions
                        1. The Expression Class
                        2. The JKScriptEngine Class
                        3. The JKScriptEngineFactory Class
                        4. Preparing for Deployment
                        5. Packaging the JKScript Files
                        6. Using the JKScript Script Engine
                        1. The Syntax
                        2. Execution Modes of the Shell
                        3. Listing Available Script Engines
                        4. Adding a Script Engine to the Shell
                        5. Using Other Script Engines
                        6. Passing Arguments to Scripts

                        Product information

                        • Title: Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries Swing, JavaFX, JavaScript, JDBC and Network Programming APIs
                        • Author(s): Kishori Sharan
                        • Release date: September 2014
                        • Publisher(s): Apress
                        • ISBN: 9781430266624


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