Available PHP Functions


Следует ли исключать из результата отключённые функции.

Возвращаемые значения

Эта функция возвращает многомерный массив, содержащий список всех определённых функций, как встроенных (внутренних), так и пользовательских. Внутренние функции будут перечислены в элементе массива $arr[«internal»] , а определённые пользователем — в элементе $arr[«user»] (смотрите пример ниже).

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.0.0 Значение параметра exclude_disabled по умолчанию было изменено с false на true .
7.0.15, 7.1.1 Добавлен параметр exclude_disabled .


Пример #1 Пример использования get_defined_functions()

function myrow ( $id , $data )
return «

$id $data

\n» ;

Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

Array ( [internal] => Array ( [0] => zend_version [1] => func_num_args [2] => func_get_arg [3] => func_get_args [4] => strlen [5] => strcmp [6] => strncmp . [750] => bcscale [751] => bccomp ) [user] => Array ( [0] => myrow ) )

Смотрите также

  • function_exists() — Возвращает true, если указанная функция определена
  • get_defined_vars() — Возвращает массив всех определённых переменных
  • get_defined_constants() — Возвращает ассоциативный массив с именами всех констант и их значений
  • get_declared_classes() — Возвращает массив с именами объявленных классов

User Contributed Notes 11 notes

You can list all arguments using ReflectionFunction class. It’s not necessary to parse selected files/files as suggested by Nguyet.Duc.

function foo (& $bar , $big , $small = 1 ) <>
function bar ( $foo ) <>
function noparams () <>
function byrefandopt (& $the = ‘one’ ) <>

$functions = get_defined_functions ();
$functions_list = array();
foreach ( $functions [ ‘user’ ] as $func ) $f = new ReflectionFunction ( $func );
$args = array();
foreach ( $f -> getParameters () as $param ) $tmparg = » ;
if ( $param -> isPassedByReference ()) $tmparg = ‘&’ ;
if ( $param -> isOptional ()) $tmparg = ‘[‘ . $tmparg . ‘$’ . $param -> getName () . ‘ = ‘ . $param -> getDefaultValue () . ‘]’ ;
> else $tmparg .= ‘&’ . $param -> getName ();
$args [] = $tmparg ;
unset ( $tmparg );
$functions_list [] = ‘function ‘ . $func . ‘ ( ‘ . implode ( ‘, ‘ , $args ) . ‘ )’ . PHP_EOL ;
print_r ( $functions_list );

[0] => function foo ( &&bar, &big, [$small = 1] )

[3] => function byrefandopt ( [&$the = one] )

At least with PHP 4.2.3 on a GNU/Linux/Apache platform, get_defined_functions() returns user-defined functions as all-lower case strings regardless of how the functions are capitalized when they are defined.

Here’s a useful trick with the get_defined_functions function — show all available functions with a link to the documentation (you can even change the mirror it goes to):

// the number of cols in our table
$num_cols = 3 ;

$ar = get_defined_functions ();
$int_funct = $ar [ internal ];
sort ( $int_funct );
$count = count ( $int_funct );

available on
( »

for( $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i ++) $doc = $php_host
. «manual/en/function.»
. strtr ( $int_funct [ $i ], «_» , «-» )
. «.php» ;
print »

\n» ;
if(( $i > 1 )
&& (( $i + $num_cols )% $num_cols ==( $num_cols — 1 )))
print «


\n» ;
for( $i =( $num_cols -( $count % $num_cols )); $i > 0 ; $i —)
print »

\n» ;

. «\» target=\»phpwin\»>»
. $int_funct [ $i ]
. «

Please note that functions created with create_function() are not returned.
(However that might change in a later version)

look at here, list all the defined function on your php-Version and give as well formatted output width links onto the php-manual:

To search for a function.


if (!empty( $_GET [ ‘search’ ])) echo ‘

‘ . ‘. $_GET [ ‘search’ ] . ‘»>’ .
‘Goto ‘ . $_GET [ ‘search’ ] . » .

‘ ;

$country = ‘us’ ;
$functions = get_defined_functions ();
$functions = $functions [ ‘internal’ ];
$num = 0 ;
foreach( $functions as $function ) $num ++;
echo ‘

‘ ;

‘ .
number_format ( $num ) . ‘
‘ . ‘. $function . ‘» href http://» rel=»nofollow» target=»_blank»>http://’ . $country . ‘.php.net/’ .
$function . ‘»>’ . $function . » . ‘

This is rather a simple non-confusing script to get the function names linked to its manual page on php.net. Hope it helps someone. Commented script is self explainatory

/*declare a variable to php manual of functions.
change the $lng to the region you want it for,
i-e en/es/de etc etc */
$lng = «es» ;
$url = «http://www.php.net/manual/» . $lng . «/function.» ;

// get defined functions in a variable (it will be a 2D array)
$functions = get_defined_functions ();

// Run nested foreach to get the function names
foreach( $functions as $function ) foreach ( $function as $functionName )

/* Since php manual is using hyphens instead of underscores
for functions, we will convert underscores to hyphen whereever
there is one. */
if( strpos ( $functionName , «_» ) !== false ) $functionForURL = str_replace ( «_» , «-» , $functionName );
> else $functionForURL = $functionName ;


Find function file php

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PHP String Based

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PHP Class Based


PHP File Systems Based


Call to Undefined Function in PHP

Call to Undefined Function in PHP

Many of you have encountered this error several times Fatal error: Call to undefined function function_name() . In today’s post, we are finding out how to unravel this error. But before we solve this problem, let’s understand how PHP evaluates the functions.

There are several ways to define functions and call them. Let’s say you write it in the function.php file and call it in the main.php file.

 // function.php  php  namespace fooNamespace   function foo()   return "Calling foo"  >  > ?>  // main.php include function.php   echo fooNamespace\foo(); ?> 
  1. Relative file name such as fooBar.txt . It will resolve to fooDirectory/fooBar.txt where fooDirectory is the directory currently busy directory.
  2. Relative path name such as subdirectory/fooBar.txt . It will resolve to fooDirectory/subdirectory/fooBar.txt .
  3. Absolute path name such as /main/fooBar.txt . It will resolve to /main/fooBar.txt .

    Unqualified name/Unprefixed class name:

$a = new fooSubnamespace\foo(); 

Now suppose you define a class & call the method of a class within the same namespace.

php  class foo   function barFn()   echo "Hello foo!"  >  function bar()   barFn();  // interpreter is confused which instance's function is called  $this->barFn();  >  >  $a = new foo();  $a->bar(); ?> 

$this pseudo-variable has the methods and properties of the current object. Such a thing is beneficial because it allows you to access all the member variables and methods of the class. Inside the class, it is called $this->functionName() . Outside of the class, it is called $theclass->functionName() .

$this is a reference to a PHP object the interpreter created for you, which contains an array of variables. If you call $this inside a normal method in a normal class, $this returns the object to which this method belongs.


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