Auto date in html

How can I automatically select current date in HTML?

Javascript Fiddle Demo Solution 3: Solution 4: Try this one: HTML: JavaScript: Result: Question: I am new in php and i want to set current date in my HTMl date tag How i can get current date? In this article, we will introduce a few methods to get the current date in HTML.

How can I automatically select current date in HTML?

I was wondering how to have auto date selection. Here is the code. In the date range selector, I want the second row to be current date meaning it should reflect the latest date every time the page is loaded.

      body < background-image: url("/static/images/photo2.jpg"); height: 100%; /* Center and scale the image nicely */ background-position: full; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; >label < width:180px; clear:left; text-align:right; padding-right:10px; >input, label < float:left; >.custom1 < width:14%; display:inline-block; float: left; clear:None; >.custom2 < width:17%; display:inline-block; float: left; clear:None; margin-top:1.5%; >.custom3  
Strategy list

Rebalance period

Date Range:

What I understand that you want to change the value of the second date input to be the current date.

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Here is your element (I added a class for it to get it later with it)

to change the display date we need to change the value of that input. after that we will get the current date from Date class and assign the new date to our element. like this :

let ele = document.querySelector(".secondDate"); var today = new Date(); var d = String(today.getDate() - 1).padStart(2, '0'); var m = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); var y = today.getFullYear(); ele.value = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; 

^ this code should be inside your script tag. but one thing to always remember your scripts code should always come after the body tag. because you cant change element that does not exists yet!

How can I automatically select current date in HTML?, to change the display date we need to change the value of that input. after that we will get the current date from Date class and assign the new date to our element. like this : let ele = document.querySelector («.secondDate»); var today = new Date (); var d = String (today.getDate () — 1).padStart (2, ‘0’); var m = String (today.getMonth

Get Todays’s Date in HTML

In this article, we will introduce a few methods to get the current date in HTML.

Use the JavaScript Date() Function to Get the Current Date in HTML

We can use the JavaScript Date() function to get the current date. The function returns the current date and time. We can create an HTML container and display the current date in it using JavaScript. We will use the innerHTML property to write the date in HTML.

For Example, create a div and set current_date as its id. Then, write some JavaScript inside the script tag. Select the current_id using the getElementById property and call the Date() function. Use the innerHTML property to write the returned date in HTML.

The example below will display the current date and time as shown in the output section below. The output contains the day of the week, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, and the GMT and the information about the location.

Mon Nov 01 2021 09:22:43 GMT+0545 (Nepal Time) 

Get the Current Date in the y/m/d Format in HTML

We can also find the current date in y/m/d format using the various JavaScript Date() methods. We can get the current year from the getFullYear() method, the current month from the getMonth() method and the current day from the getDate() method. In this method, we will use the Date() object to access these various functions. We can format the date in any way we want and display it on an HTML page using the innerHTML property.

For example, create a div with the same id as in the method above. In JavaScript, create a date object of the Date() class. Next, create three variables year , month and day . Use the date object to call the methods getFullYear() , getMonth() and getDate() , and store in those respective variables. Next, use the document object and call the getElementById property to select the id of the div . Next, set the innerHTML to the variables month , day and year separated by a slash.

In this way, we can get the current date in m/d/y format in HTML using the JavaScript Date() class.

Get the Current Date Using the JavaScript Method toLocaleDateString() in HTML

We can use the JavaScript function toLocaleDateString() to find the current date. The toLocaleDateString() function returns the current date according to the language provided in the function. There are various language-specific conventions, and we can define the language with the toLocaleDateString() function. The function takes two parameters which are locales and options . We can specify the language of the output by the locales option. For example, we can use en-US for US English and en-GB for British English.

For example, create a div and write JavaScript inside the script tag. Creae a date object of the Date() class and call the method toLocaleDateString() . Next, use document.write() to display the date variable.

We can see the output in the m/d/y format. Thus, we can use the toLocaleDateString() method to find the current date in HTML.


Get Todays’s Date in HTML, Use the JavaScript Date () Function to Get the Current Date in HTML We can use the JavaScript Date () function to get the current date. The function returns the current date and time. We can create an HTML container and display the current date in it using JavaScript. We will use the innerHTML property to write …

Display the current date and time using HTML and Javascript with scrollable effects in hta application

I have the below java-script to display the current date in the given format Mon Jun 2 17:54:28 UTC+0530 2014 in a hta(html application), now I want to make this appear in a way like Welcome the current date of my system: Mon Jun 2 17:54:28 UTC+0530 2014 and this text should be a having scrollable affects for eg: one moving from right to left.

I tried to use the below tag to get a scrollable text but how can I call this java-script variable in the tag so that I get the today’s date and time also as a part of the scrollable affects but it is not working for my HTML page.

Kindly let me know how to rectify this issue

 Welcome Today's date is :   



Method 1:

   Today's date is :      
var today = new Date(); document.getElementById('time').innerHTML=today; 

Fiddle demo here

Method 2:

Without marquee tag and with CSS .

.marquee < width: 350px; margin: 0 auto; background:yellow; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; color:blue; font-size:18px; >.marquee span < display: inline-block; padding-left: 100%; text-indent: 0; animation: marquee 15s linear infinite; >.marquee span:hover < animation-play-state: paused >@keyframes marquee < 0% < transform: translate(0, 0); >100% < transform: translate(-100%, 0); >> 
var today = new Date(); document.getElementById('dtText').innerHTML=today; 

Fiddle demo here


debugger; var today = new Date(); document.getElementById('date').innerHTML = today 

Fiddle Demo

document.getElementById("para1").innerHTML = formatAMPM(); function formatAMPM() < var d = new Date(), minutes = d.getMinutes().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes(), hours = d.getHours().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getHours() : d.getHours(), ampm = d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am', months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'], days = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']; return days[d.getDay()]+' '+months[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+' '+d.getFullYear()+' '+hours+':'+minutes+ampm; > 

Display the current date and time using HTML and, JAVASCRIPT TO DISPLAY THE CURRENT DATE AND TIME: javascript css html hta. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Mar 7, 2016 at 13:37. Ullas. 11.2k 4 4 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges.

How to set current date with HTML input type Date Tag

I am new in php and i want to set current date in my HTMl date tag

How i can get current date?

Try using date function as

You need to follow standard Y-m-d format

You need to follow standard Y-m-d format Use this.

How to set current date with HTML input type Date Tag, I am new in php and i want to set current date in my HTMl date tag How i can get current date? php html date. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Jun 23, 2015 at 10:31. sunny. asked Jun 23, 2015 at 9:54. sunny sunny.


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