Assert in java unit testing

Assert Methods

As you may have figured out from the simple test, most of the secret of implementing JUnit unit tests, is in the use of the assert methods in the class org.junit.Assert . In this text I will take a closer look at what assert methods are available in this class.

Here is a list of the assert methods:

Throughout the rest of this text I will explain how these assert methods work, and show you examples of how to use them. The examples will test an imaginary class called MyUnit . The code for this class is not shown, but you don’t really need the code in order to understand how to test it.


The assertArrayEquals() method will test whether two arrays are equal to each other. In other words, if the two arrays contain the same number of elements, and if all the elements in the array are equal to each other.

To check for element equality, the elements in the array are compared using their equals() method. More specifically, the elements of each array are compared one by one using their equals() method. That means, that it is not enough that the two arrays contain the same elements. They must also be present in the same order.

import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyUnitTest < @Test public void testGetTheStringArray() < MyUnit myUnit = new MyUnit(); String[] expectedArray = ; String[] resultArray = myUnit.getTheStringArray(); assertArrayEquals(expectedArray, resultArray); > >

First the expected array is created. Second the myUnit.getTheStringArray() method is called, which is the method we want to test. Third, the result of the myUnit.getTheStringArray() method call is compared to the expected array.

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If the arrays are equal, the assertArrayEquals() will proceed without errors. If the arrays are not equal, an exception will be thrown, and the test aborted. Any test code after the assertArrayEquals() will not be executed.


The assertEquals() method compares two objects for equality, using their equals() method.

import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyUnitTest < @Test public void testConcatenate() < MyUnit myUnit = new MyUnit(); String result = myUnit.concatenate("one", "two"); assertEquals("onetwo", result); >>

First the myUnit.concatenate() method is called, and the result is stored in the variable result .

Second, the result value is compared to the expected value «onetwo» , using the assertEquals() method.

If the two objects are equal according to their implementation of their equals() method, the assertEquals() method will return normally. Otherwise the assertEquals() method will throw an exception, and the test will stop there.

This example compared to String objects, but the assertEquals() method can compare any two objects to each other. The assertEquals() method also come in versions which compare primitive types like int and float to each other.

assertTrue() + assertFalse()

The assertTrue() and assertFalse() methods tests a single variable to see if its value is either true , or false . Here is a simple example:

import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyUnitTest < @Test public void testGetTheBoolean() < MyUnit myUnit = new MyUnit(); assertTrue (myUnit.getTheBoolean()); assertFalse(myUnit.getTheBoolean()); >>

As you can see, the method call to myUnit.getTheBollean() is inlined inside the assertTrue() assertFalse() calls.

If the getTheBoolean() method returns true , the assertTrue() method will return normally. Otherwise an exception will be thrown, and the test will stop there.

If the getTheBoolean() method returns false , the assertFalse() method will return normally. Otherwise an exception will be thrown, and the test will stop there.

Of course the above test will fail in either the assertTrue() or assertFalse() call, if the getTheBoolean() method returns the same value in both calls. One of the assertTrue() or assertFalse() calls will fail.

assertNull() + assertNotNull()

The assertNull() and assertNotNull() methods test a single variable to see if it is null or not null . Here is an example:

import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyUnitTest < @Test public void testGetTheObject() < MyUnit myUnit = new MyUnit(); assertNull(myUnit.getTheObject()); assertNotNull(myUnit.getTheObject()); >>

The call to myUnit.getTheObject() is inlined in the assertNull() and assertNotNull() calls.

If the myUnit.getTheObject() returns null, the assertNull() method will return normally. If a non-null value is returned, the assertNull() method will throw an exception, and the test will be aborted here.

The assertNotNull() method works oppositely of the assertNull() method, throwing an exception if a null value is passed to it, and returning normally if a non-null value is passed to it.

assertSame() and assertNotSame()

The assertSame() and assertNotSame() methods tests if two object references point to the same object or not. It is not enough that the two objects pointed to are equals according to their equals() methods. It must be exactly the same object pointed to.

import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyUnitTest < @Test public void testGetTheSameObject() < MyUnit myUnit = new MyUnit(); assertSame (myUnit.getTheSameObject(), myUnit.getTheSameObject()); assertNotSame(myUnit.getTheSameObject(), myUnit.getTheSameObject()); >>

The calls to myUnit.getTheSameObject() are inlined into the assertSame() and assertNotSame() method calls.

If the two references points to the same object, the assertSame() method will return normally. Otherwise an exception will be thrown and the test will stop here.

The assertNotSame() method works oppositely of the assertSame() method. If the two objects do not poin to the same object, the assertNotSame() method will return normally. Othersise an exception is thrown and the test stops here.


The assertThat() method compares an object to an org.hamcrest.Matcher to see if the given object matches whatever the Matcher requires it to match.

Matchers takes a bit longer to explain, so they are explained in their own text (the next text in this trail).


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