Apps script html css

HTML Service: Create and Serve HTML

The HTML service lets you serve web pages that can interact with server-side Apps Script functions. It is particularly useful for building web apps or adding custom user interfaces in Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms. You can even use it to generate the body of an email.

Create HTML files

To add an HTML file to your Apps Script project, follow these steps:

Within the HTML file, you can write most standard HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript. The page will be served as HTML5, although some advanced features of HTML5 are not available, as explained in Restrictions.

Your file can also include template scriptlets that are processed on the server before the page is sent to the user — similar to PHP — as explained in the section on templated HTML.

Serve HTML as a web app

To create a web app with the HTML service, your code must include a doGet() function that tells the script how to serve the page. The function must return an HtmlOutput object, as shown in this example.

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Once that basic framework is in place, all you have to do is save a version of your script, then deploy your script as a web app.

After the script is deployed as a web app, you can also embed it in a Google Site.

Serve HTML as a Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms user interface

The HTML service can display a dialog or sidebar in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms if your script is container-bound to the file. (In Google Forms, custom user interfaces are only visible to an editor who opens the form to modify it, not to a user who opens the form to respond.)

Unlike a web app, a script that creates a user interface for a document, spreadsheet, or form does not need a doGet() function specifically, and you do not need to save a version of your script or deploy it. Instead, the function that opens the user interface must pass your HTML file as an HtmlOutput object to the showModalDialog()) or showSidebar() methods of the Ui object for the active document, form, or spreadsheet.

These examples include a few extra features for convenience: the onOpen() function creates a custom menu that makes it easy to open the interface, and the button in the HTML file invokes a special close() method of the API to close the interface.

// Use this code for Google Docs, Slides, Forms, or Sheets. function onOpen() < SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp. .createMenu('Dialog') .addItem('Open', 'openDialog') .addToUi(); >function openDialog() < var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Index'); SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp. .showModalDialog(html, 'Dialog title'); >


Note that the first time you want to display this user interface, you must either run the onOpen() function manually in the script editor or reload the window for the Docs, Sheets, or Forms editor (which will close the script editor). After that, the custom menu should appear within a few seconds every time you open the file. Choose Dialog > Open to see the interface.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2023-06-22 UTC.


Linking CSS with HTML in Google Apps Scripts: A Guide

The HTML form tags are automatically generated by the UI Service and GUI Builder, and it’s unnecessary to add GUI elements unless executing code. Therefore, it’s recommended to begin with using the generated HTML form tags. Additionally, Google Sites allows direct addition of HTML without any script.

How to connect css to html in Google Apps Scripts

My initial attempt is to create a Google App, and I already have my HTML document. The HTML Service: Best Practices guide has provided me with the include statement that I need.

My file is as follows:

For testing purposes, my style sheet is named stylesheet.html and has a very basic design.

Upon execution, an error message appears stating that the identifier «ReferenceError: «include» has not been defined.

To utilize the reusable function «include()» that was demonstrated, it is necessary to incorporate it into your «» document.

It is possible to utilize the printing scriptlet directly in your HTML document, as demonstrated below.

How do i save the html form data into google, Browse other questions tagged javascript html google-apps-script google-drive-api or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog How observability is redefining the roles of developers

Is it possible to host ‘style.css’ or ‘anyscript.js’ in a folder on Google Drive and then include them in a script using a link to the file? If yes, what is the process?

I’m referring to GAS specifically for Google Sites usage, which means the script cannot be found in Google Drive.

Google seem to have changed it.

Currently, the raw data can be accessed using a link in the following format.

Google has deprecated this technique as of August 31, 2015.

It is now feasible to publicly host a file on Google Drive using Google’s latest update.

  1. Create a folder in Google Drive
  2. Place all the desired files in the designated access publicly folder.
  3. Make sure to set the sharing settings as «Public on the web» and then retrieve the folder ID from the «Link to Share». An example of a folder ID can be found in this link: . which is represented by the code 0B5AR8ct5SZfSTDZTQjNNVXR4RWM.
  4. To access a file in a particular folder, use the following URL format: For instance, if your file name is style.css and you stored it in the folder from Step #1, the URL will look like this:

How does Google suggest separating HTML, CSS, and Javascript in their HTML Service Best practices?

As already addressed earlier, the URLs may appear slightly altered, but the functionality remains intact. Here are the steps to follow.

  1. Access the Sharing Settings for your desired file (e.g. FILE.css) in its folder. Next, click on the Advanced option and choose the «Public on the web» setting, which allows anyone on the Internet to discover and view your file.
  2. Copy the text that comes after «» in the URL bar or share link.
  3. Replace the XX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX in the following URL with the provided ID:
  4. Upon clicking on the URL provided in Step 3, the raw data will be visible.

The credit for this post goes to @chris.huh, as found on the following link:!topic/drive/MyD7dgLJaEo.

Google sheets — Running a script from a hyperlink in a, If all you want is a doodad on the sheet that runs script, but you don’t want to have to draw a button every time, or you want the doodad copy-able across many rows, you can use a checkbox. Then you can handle the onEdit and set the value of the cell back to false. Or set it to true while the script is running, and …

As I develop my company’s Google site, I’m incorporating Google Apps Scripts to enhance its functionality. I’m particularly keen on connecting a script to a drop-down menu that I created. Unfortunately, I’m struggling to make that connection. Though I know how to link a script as a Google gadget or standalone link, I’m uncertain how to make it execute when I select an item from the drop-down menu.

Google prohibits the use of JavaScript in Google Sites for security purposes. To compensate for this restriction, Google offers Apps Scripts as an alternative. However, these scripts operate on a separate server-based environment, making their usage complex and challenging.

To utilize Apps Scripts effectively, it’s important to reconsider your objectives as it involves a distinct form of JavaScript compared to traditional web pages.

With Google Apps Scripts, you can create a User Interface through its experimental UI API. The UI can be displayed as a standalone script on a full page or embedded in an iframe on a website. This eliminates the issue of a dropdown menu overlapping your site, requiring an static space for your script’s UI to be visible.

A different approach to integrate your script commands into your website is by using links. These links can execute a script with your specified parameters without any visible user interface. You have the option to create a menu with various choices, each triggering a specific script. However, this menu need not necessarily be a dropdown menu.

Concerning User Interfaces in Google Apps Scripts

  • Visit the user interface guide in the Google Apps Script documentation.
  • Check out the guide for GUI Builder on Google’s developers website.
  • Visit the website of Google Apps Script to learn more about Service UI.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking when you say «link the script.» Is your code located somewhere else? When you say «link,» are you actually referring to «calling» the code using Event Handler? I can demonstrate how to call a function using a ServerHandler that’s triggered by a GUI ListBox Change event or a Button Click event.

Within Google Apps Scripts (GAS), there exist three distinct approaches for creating a graphical user interface (GUI).

  • Similar to regular HTML, HTML Service enables the inclusion of an HTML form and the use of input tags.
  • The UI Service is similar to Java in terms of layout managers, as described below.
  • Consider performing the task manually initially to gain a better comprehension of the layout.

Google Sites allows you to incorporate HTML without the need for a script. The HTML form tags can be created for you by the UI Service and GUI Builder. It is not necessary to include GUI elements unless you are executing code. Therefore, it is recommended to utilize these features initially.

This example showcases a Drop-Down list with modifications that demonstrate the invocation of a handler function from various UI elements, also known as Widgets, and the utilization of its parameter.

function doGet(e) < // use doGet() & UiApp to make a canvas. var app = UiApp.createApplication(); var doEvent = app.createServerHandler('doEvent').setId('doEvent'); var myList = app.createListBox().setId('myList').setName('myList'); myList.addItem('one'); // add items, I use single quote strings. myList.addItem('two').addItem('three') // I know it looks weird. // Scripts let you do this, by returning self for your convenience. .addChangeHandler( app.createServerHandler('doEvent') ); app.add(myList); // Add element to GUI. doEvent.addCallbackElement(myList); // Add to Event Handler. app.add(app.createButton('Click Me').setId('myButton') .addClickHandler(doEvent)); return app; >// Simple DropDown by Jason K. function doEvent(e) < // use split() if isMultipleSelect is true var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication(); app.add(app.createLabel( 'List Value is ' + e.parameter.myList + ' from ' + e.parameter.source)); return app; >

Keep in mind to append every component using app.add() during the process of resolving issues and incorporate return app; at the conclusion of the doGet function and every handler function.

Handlers, such as onClick() or onChange() functions, are essential for most UI to function properly. While ServerHandlers offer more capabilities, ClientHandlers are more efficient. It is recommended to start with ServerHandlers and then convert simple functions to ClientHandlers for improved performance. Whether you choose to space out your handlers or keep them in a single line of code is a matter of personal preference, but it’s important to assign them to a variable if you plan to use them for multiple GUI objects. To create more sophisticated applications, it’s worth exploring different layout managers or utilizing the GUI Builder. It’s worth noting that previously used create functions like app.createServerClickHandler() are now deprecated, so it’s best to ignore such references. However, addChangeHandler() and addClickHandler() are still used for GUI elements.

The method setName() appears unnecessary as it only sets the parameter name. It would be preferable if it is modified. In the meantime, I recommend setting the parameter name to match the element id. Additionally, I have assigned the Handler’s variable name to its id and the event function name to demonstrate their correlation.

How to inject CSS using content script file in Chrome, I found similar question about injecting CSS, but I encountered a problem while using code from accepted answer. Here’s my script.js contents: var link = document.createElement(«link»); link.href = chrome.extension.getURL(«style.css»); link.type = «text/css»; link.rel = «stylesheet»; …

CSS In HTML Services Template

As a beginner in GAS HTML services, I am facing difficulty in determining the appropriate location to insert CSS for my code example. Although it seems like a straightforward task, I cannot figure out the right way to set the background color. Can anyone guide me on the correct approach to organize and structure my CSS code?

The HTML tag should contain the style tag within it.

Visit the website for Google’s Apps Script HTML Service development documentation at the following URL:

While browsing online, I discovered an alternative method (not listed in Google’s official documentation) for achieving my objective. My project consists of a .gs file and a typical index.html file. However, I opted to create a separate style.html file to contain my CSS. To reference this style sheet, I included the following code in my index.html file: .

Then in the .gs I added this:

How to connect css to html in Google Apps Scripts, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more Code sample Feedback


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