Any key to continue java

Java java cli press any key to continue

Solution 3: JMeter should be started using : jmeter/bin/ for Linux jmeter/bin/jmeter.bat for windows this will ensure correct property files are read and necessary jars in lib are loaded. Edit on 23/08/2018: The correct answer as of current modern JMeter versions is Solution 2: I got this error today because the «Source» is missing the ApacheJmeter.jar.

Java TelnetClient hangs at “press any key to continue”

There might be several reasons:

  1. You’re not flushing your output (the input of the remote command), so the «any key» is never sent.
  2. The program tries to send you some data and you never read your input (the output of the remote command). Note that you must do this in a second thread since the I/O usually happens «at the same time» and one side will block if you don’t handle the other side timely enough.
  3. Maybe you experience a problem because the app turns the terminal into «RAW mode». But flushing your output should fix that :/
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How can I unblock from a Java started process?, If so, it’s possible that the command line process isn’t actually waiting for a key press (or input) on stdin but instead doing the equivalent of the old DOS kbhit() function. AFAIK there’s no way to make that function believe that the keyboard has been pressed without actually pressing a key.

Press any key to continue

Batch, 46 bytes

@echo Press any key to continue. @pause>nul 

Because pause ‘s output contains a space before each . .

HTML + JavaScript (ES6), 36 + 25 = 61 bytes

You can’t really exit a JavaScript program, so clearing the webpage is the best I can think of.

HTML + JavaScript (ES6), 33 + 28 = 61 bytes

Alternate solution suggested by @LarsW that redirects to about:blank .

Press any key to continue. 

HTML/JavaScript, 60 bytes

Another awesome solution by @Ismael Miguel that doesn’t use standalone JS. 1 byte saved!

Press any key to continue. 

HTML + JavaScript (ES6), 26 + 28 = 54 bytes

Yet another solution by @George Reith making use of document writes.

Press any key to continue. 

HTML + JavaScript (ES7), 23 + 28 = 51 bytes

Same program using the proposed ES7 bind operator:

Press any key to continue. 

As most of these solutions are not my own, do a courtesy and vote them up in the comments!

MATL, 35 bytes

'Press any key to continue. 'D0$Y. 


'Press any key to continue. ' % String literal D % Display the string (has trailing newline) 0$Y. % Pause until the user presses any key 

How to prevent auto-closing of console after the, If you want cmd.exe to not close, and able to continue to type, use cmd /k. Just felt the need to clarify what /k does (from windows website): /k: Carries out the command specified by string and continues.. So cmd /k without follow up command at the end of bat file will just keep cmd.exe window open for …

Execute multiple commands in cmd using java

If I understand your question you could use a ProcessBuilder and call directory(File) . Something like

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException < String folder = "C:\\Apps\\wildfly-8.0.0.Final\\bin"; String command = "jboss-cli.bat --connect --command=\"deploy --force " + "C:\\Users\\me\\git\\test\\Test\\build\\libs\\TestEAR.ear\""; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(folder)); pb.inheritIO(); Process p = pb.start(); try < p.waitFor(); >catch (InterruptedException e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> 

How do I get «Press any key to continue» to work in my, My answer still only works with the Enter key but it does so without leaving stuff on the input stream that could get in the way later ( can potentially leave things on the stream that get read in on the next input). So I read the whole line (here I use Scanner but I guess that isn’t actually necessary, you just need something to get rid of the entire line in the input stream): Code sampleprivate void pressAnyKeyToContinue() Feedback

How to resolve the error «Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar errorlevel=1» while initiating Jmeter?

Try downloading from

This contains the proper ApacheJMeter.jar that is needed to initiate.

Go to bin folder in the command prompt and try java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar if the download is correct this should open the GUI.

Edit on 23/08/2018:

  • The correct answer as of current modern JMeter versions is

I got this error today because the «Source» is missing the ApacheJmeter.jar. I downloaded it again from «Binaries» and everything works as expected.

JMeter should be started using :

this will ensure correct property files are read and necessary jars in lib are loaded.

any other method will expose you to a lot of trouble.

the most upvoted answer is wrong !

See 1.4 Running JMeter in reference documentation :

If you’d like to learn more about JMeter and performance testing this book can help you.

Java app hangs when not run from command-line, In Windows 7, when i double-click my .jar-file, the app runs partially and then hangs. When run using java -jar MyFile.jar or javaw -jar MyFile.jar on the command-line it runs just fine though. It also runs fine on linux mint when using the GUI to run it. Is there any way i can debug this? (preferably using eclipse) Edit: …


How do I get «Press any key to continue» to work in my Java code?

Instead give your class a state field of some sort, perhaps a boolean, change the state variable on key press, perhaps using key bindings, and then don’t allow certain behaviors unless the state has been changed (via if statements). So whenever a key is pressed dispatchKeyEvent() gets called from the EDT (Event Dispatching Thread) and there you can check for ‘space’ being pressed and release the countdown latch that main() is waiting on.

How do I get «Press any key to continue» to work in my Java code?

I want the user to enter information again in the first while loop after pressing any key on the keyboard. How do I achieve that? Am I doing something wrong with the while loops. SHould I just have one while loop?

 import java.util.Scanner; public class TestMagicSquare < public static void main(String[] args) < boolean run1 = true; boolean run2 = true; Square magic = new Square(); Scanner in = new Scanner(; while(run1 = true) < System.out.print("Enter an integer(x to exit): "); if(!in.hasNextInt()) < if("x")) < break; >else < System.out.println("*** Invalid data entry ***"); >> else < magic.add(in.nextInt()); >> while(run2 = true) < System.out.println(); if(!magic.isSquare()) < System.out.println("Step 1. Numbers do not make a square"); break; >else < System.out.println("Step 1. Numbers make a square"); >System.out.println(); if(!magic.isUnique()) < System.out.println("Step 2. Numbers are not unique"); break; >else < System.out.println("Step 2. Numbers are unique"); >System.out.println(); magic.create2DArray(); if(!magic.isMagic()) < System.out.println("Step 3. But it is NOT a magic square!"); break; >else < System.out.println("Step 3. Yes, it is a MAGIC SQUARE!"); >System.out.println(); System.out.print("Press any key to continue. ");// Here I want the simulation; if("x")) < break; >else < run1 = true; >> > > 

You can create this function ( good only for enter key ) and use it where ever you want in your code:

 private void pressAnyKeyToContinue() < System.out.println("Press Enter key to continue. "); try <; >catch(Exception e) <> > 

1) See while(run1 = true) and while(run2 = true)

= is assignment operator in Java. use == operator to compare primitives

Before getting into implementation details, I think you need to step back and re-examine your algorithm a bit. From what I gather, you want get a list of integers from the user and determine if they form a magic square. You can do the first step in a single while loop. Something like this pseudo-code:

while (true) print "Enter an integer (x to stop): " input = text from stdin if input is 'x' break else if input is not an integer print "non integer value entered, aborting. " return else add input to magic object 

After that, you can output details about the numbers:

if magic is a magic square print "this is a magic square" else print "this is not a magic square" // etc, etc. 

My answer still only works with the Enter key but it does so without leaving stuff on the input stream that could get in the way later ( can potentially leave things on the stream that get read in on the next input). So I read the whole line (here I use Scanner but I guess that isn’t actually necessary, you just need something to get rid of the entire line in the input stream):

public void pressEnterKeyToContinue()

Press enter for continue java Code Example, How to do press enter to continue in java . java by badprogrammer on Apr 26 2020 Comment

Scanner Class — Press Enter to Continue

How to ask user to press any key to continue with conditions in java?

I have this code, what I want to do is only when the program is launched, the user should be able to press enter, and only once. until relaunch.

I have this label with text called JLabel info = new JLabel(«press enter to continue»); , when the user presses enter then the text of this will change and enter keypress enter should not function anymore, only when the program launches the user can press enter.

addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() < public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) < if(e.getKeyChar() == e.VK_ENTER) >>); 

After the action (pressing Enter) happened you could remove the KeyListener from the Component. You can look here for an example on how to remove the listener from a JPanel. I adjusted the code from the example a little bit:

KeyAdapter keyAdapter = new KeyAdapter() < public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) < if(e.getKeyChar() == e.VK_ENTER) . >> >; // Register the listener with this JPanel addKeyListener(keyAdapter); // Remove the listener from this JPanel removeKeyListener(keyAdapter); 

Java: How to ask user if he/she wants to continue program, I’ve already made it so that it will tell whether the input from the user is a prime number or not a prime number but now I have to make it so that it will …

Press any key to continue not working?

Okay, I’m running an executable .jar file, and something kinda funky is happening. The jar opens the command prompt (Windows 7, cmd) but that’s supposed to happen. After everything finishes I get the:

However, when I press a key, it just keeps the command prompt open, instead of closing it.

In my code, I have this to run the command prompt:

String fileName = "File Location"; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]); p.waitFor(); 

Is there something in this I could modify to fix it so that way the «Press any key to continue» actually allows me to exit without having to type «exit» next?

Edit: There’s a pause at the end of my. Is this causing the problem?

You start a new cmd prompt and execute something in it.

How on earth do you expect the cmd to know that it should terminate after executing the command? You have to put an «exit» in the script you are running if you want the cmd to close.

Or try running the cmd with option /C.

Putting the following at the end of you code should exit the window

Java: How to pause the output after a certain number of, I’m fine with the using having to press enter. I’ll just have a println that says to press enter to continue. That will be my key. Simple. I just want to …

Java — Waiting for some type of key press to continue

What is the best way to implement a «press x to continue» type of thing in Java?

Specifically, I have a custom class which extends JFrame and a custom class which extends JPanel. I have a (which has an instance of my JFrame class), and there is a point where I do not want to continue until the user has pressed the space bar:

. code. frame.waitForSpace(); . more code which gets executed only after space is pressed. 

So, in my frame class, how should I implement this:

/* This method only finishes when the space bar is pressed */ public void waitForSpace()

By the way, I have the KeyListener on my JFrame which works when the space button is pressed. But I’m not quite sure how to incorporate that into what I’m trying to do.

Example code would be awesome!

Put whatever you want to do when the user presses space into that handler. Most likely you don’t want to do (whatever) every time the space bar is pressed, but only some of the time; therefore the event handler should be contingent on the value of some variable, and the code that runs before you want the user to press space should set that variable to the value that means «do it.» The handler should set the variable back to the the default value after it runs.

Remember that Swing GUI’s are event driven. So don’t wait for anything. Instead give your class a state field of some sort, perhaps a boolean, change the state variable on key press, perhaps using key bindings, and then don’t allow certain behaviors unless the state has been changed (via if statements).

Using a CountDownLatch when await() is invoked, the current main() thread will wait until the countDown() method is called from another thread.

The KeyEventDispatcher lets you add a keystroke listener globally. So whenever a key is pressed dispatchKeyEvent() gets called from the EDT (Event Dispatching Thread) and there you can check for ‘space’ being pressed and release the countdown latch that main() is waiting on.

However, if the thread that calls waitForSpace() is the EDT, then you will be forcing the EDT to wait for itself, causing deadlock . It is impossible to wait on the EDT and still receive key events as far as I know.

This will work so long as a JFrame has focus:

public void waitForSpace() < final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); KeyEventDispatcher dispatcher = new KeyEventDispatcher() < // Anonymous class invoked from EDT public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) < if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) latch.countDown(); return false; >>; KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher(dispatcher); latch.await(); // current thread waits here until countDown() is called KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().removeKeyEventDispatcher(dispatcher); > 

Use Key Bindings. You’ve already been given a link to the key bindings tutorial.

Java wait code until JFrame keyPressed, I’m using a JFrame and I wanted to display an image and pause the code until the user presses ANY key. After that key being pressed the image …


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