An introduction to programming in java an interdisciplinary approach

Introduction to Programming in Java : An Interdisciplinary Approach

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Programming skills are indispensable in today’s world, not just for computer science students, but also for anyone in any scientific or technical discipline. Introduction to Programming in Java, Second Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne is an accessible, interdisciplinary treatment that emphasizes important and engaging applications, not toy problems. The authors supply the tools needed for students and professionals to learn that programming is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience, and to become conversant with one of the world’s most widely used languages.

This example-driven guide focuses on Java’s most useful features and brings programming to life for every student in the sciences, engineering, and computer science.

  • Basic elements of programming: variables, assignment statements, built-in data types, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O, including graphics and sound
  • Functions, modules, and libraries: organizing programs into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused
  • Algorithms and data structures: sort/search algorithms, stacks, queues, and symbol tables
  • Applications from applied math, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science
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Drawing on their extensive classroom experience, throughout the text the authors provide Q&As, exercises, and opportunities for creative engagement with the material. Together with the companion materials described below, this book empowers people to pursue a modern approach to teaching and learning programming.

Companion web site ( contains

  • Chapter summaries
  • Supplementary exercises, some with solutions
  • Detailed instructions for installing a Java programming environment
  • Program code and test data suitable for easy download
  • Detailed creative exercises, projects, and other supplementary materials

Companion studio-produced online videos ( are available for purchase and provide students and professionals with the opportunity to engage with the material at their own pace and give instructors the opportunity to spend their time with students helping them to succeed on assignments and exams.

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Programming in Java · Computer Science · An Interdisciplinary Approach

This booksite contains tens of thousands of files, fully coordinated with our textbook and also useful as a standalone resource. It consists of the following elements:

Introduction to Programming in Java.

Our textbook Introduction to Programming in Java [ Amazon · Pearson · InformIT ] is an interdisciplinary approach to the traditional CS1 curriculum with Java. We teach the classic elements of programming, using an “objects-in-the-middle” approach that emphasizes data abstraction. We motivate each concept by examining its impact on specific applications, taken from fields ranging from materials science to genomics to astrophysics to internet commerce. The book is organized around four stages of learning to program:

  • Chapter 1: Elements of Programming introduces variables; assignment statements; built-in types of data; conditionals and loops; arrays; and input/output, including graphics and sound.
  • Chapter 2: Functions highlights the idea of dividing a program into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused.
  • Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming emphasizes the concept of a data type and its implementation, using Java’s class mechanism.
  • Chapter 4: Algorithms and Data Structures discusses classical algorithms for sorting and searching, and fundamental data structures, including stacks, queues, and symbol tables.

Computer Science.

Our textbook Computer Science [ Amazon · Pearson · InformIT ] contains Introduction to Programming in Java as its first four chapters. The second half of the book explores core ideas of Turing, von Neumann, Shannon, and others that ignited the digital age.

  • Chapter 5: Theory of Computing surveys the fundamental concepts of universality, computability, and intractability, which raise questions about the role of computation in understanding the natural world.
  • Chapter 6: A Computing Machine describes a simple imaginary machine that has many of the characteristics of real processors at the heart of the computational devices that surround us.
  • Chapter 7: Building a Computer considers the design of a processor, including Boolean logic, combinational circuits, and sequential circuits.

Reading a book and surfing the web are two different activities: This booksite is intended for your use while online (for example, while programming and while browsing the web); the textbook is for your use when initially learning new material and when reinforcing your understanding of that material (for example, when reviewing for an exam).


Programming in Java · Computer Science · An Interdisciplinary Approach

This booksite contains tens of thousands of files, fully coordinated with our textbook and also useful as a standalone resource. It consists of the following elements:

Introduction to Programming in Java.

Our textbook Introduction to Programming in Java [ Amazon · Pearson · InformIT ] is an interdisciplinary approach to the traditional CS1 curriculum with Java. We teach the classic elements of programming, using an “objects-in-the-middle” approach that emphasizes data abstraction. We motivate each concept by examining its impact on specific applications, taken from fields ranging from materials science to genomics to astrophysics to internet commerce. The book is organized around four stages of learning to program:

  • Chapter 1: Elements of Programming introduces variables; assignment statements; built-in types of data; conditionals and loops; arrays; and input/output, including graphics and sound.
  • Chapter 2: Functions highlights the idea of dividing a program into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused.
  • Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming emphasizes the concept of a data type and its implementation, using Java’s class mechanism.
  • Chapter 4: Algorithms and Data Structures discusses classical algorithms for sorting and searching, and fundamental data structures, including stacks, queues, and symbol tables.

Computer Science.

Our textbook Computer Science [ Amazon · Pearson · InformIT ] contains Introduction to Programming in Java as its first four chapters. The second half of the book explores core ideas of Turing, von Neumann, Shannon, and others that ignited the digital age.

  • Chapter 5: Theory of Computing surveys the fundamental concepts of universality, computability, and intractability, which raise questions about the role of computation in understanding the natural world.
  • Chapter 6: A Computing Machine describes a simple imaginary machine that has many of the characteristics of real processors at the heart of the computational devices that surround us.
  • Chapter 7: Building a Computer considers the design of a processor, including Boolean logic, combinational circuits, and sequential circuits.

Reading a book and surfing the web are two different activities: This booksite is intended for your use while online (for example, while programming and while browsing the web); the textbook is for your use when initially learning new material and when reinforcing your understanding of that material (for example, when reviewing for an exam).


Introduction to programming in Java : an interdisciplinary approach

[WorldCat (this item)]

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