- How to include WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin functions in single PHP file?
- How to include WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin functions in single PHP file?
- Advance Custom fields keep returning the same value
- Extracting Advanced Custom Fields’ data all at once in a separate PHP file
- Advanced custom field not return back result
- Including ACF within a plugin or theme
- Product Types
- Rules
- Notes about marketing
- Notes about “ACF” plugins
- How to include plugin files
- Plugin / Theme PHP file
- Including fields
- On this page
- In this category
How to include WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin functions in single PHP file?
Solution 2: Use function Solution 3: Custom field is related with specific posts, pages, custom post type so when you want to retrieve filed value then you must pass ID , at root file by default it will not have any POST ID. Question: Sometimes a single page uses dozens of ACF fields — for instance in the case of repeater fields.
How to include WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin functions in single PHP file?
I’m trying to get value from WordPress post custom field (with WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin) and echoing this the Custom Field value on a single (standalone) PHP file on WordPress root directory with this PHP code
and it doesn’t work, what is the correct method to include the WordPress functions?
Remove require_once(«wp-load.php»); from your code and add following code for Retrieving a field as a variable.
Hope this will help. Please let me know if any issue.
Custom field is related with specific posts, pages, custom post type so when you want to retrieve filed value then you must pass ID , at root file by default it will not have any POST ID.
So your code will work in this way
This code is worked for me, I hope its work for you as well.
Php — I need to get the field of custom post type on, Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more
Advance Custom fields keep returning the same value
So to elaborate, I have 11 posts and in each of those posts I input an image into advance custom fields form. But when I call them I get back 11 results but from just 1 post.
Here is what I’m working with. Just to tell you this is in functiuons.php since I want to get this as a shortcode so I can use it on multiple post types.
function get_slider() < $args = array( 'post_type' =>'projekti', 'posts_per_page' => -1, ); $posts = get_posts($args); ob_start(); if( $posts ): ?>
add_shortcode ('slick_slider' , 'get_slider');
I have almost identical code on the template I created, but that one works, this one does not and I don’t know why.
Pass id of current post for the acf have_rows() function. I have done that using , $currentId = get_the_ID(); and then using the variable $currentId where I need.
function get_slider() < $args = array( 'post_type' =>'projekti', 'posts_per_page' => -1, ); $posts = get_posts($args); ob_start(); if( $posts ): ?>
add_shortcode ('slick_slider' , 'get_slider');
to the top of my function for it to work. Thanks for your help anyway guys.
Call field of advance custom field in function.php, PHP answers related to “call field of advance custom field in function.php get_post_meta” acf add options page to custom post type; worpdress pods taxonomy get custom field; wp_query custom post type filter by acf field value; get taxonomies for custom post type; get image field in custom post type …
Extracting Advanced Custom Fields’ data all at once in a separate PHP file
Sometimes a single page uses dozens of ACF fields — for instance in the case of repeater fields. Dozens of ACF fields means dozens of if (get_field(‘blabla’) < the_field('blabla'); >(among other ACF code) clogging up the page’s PHP template file and making it effectively hard to read and maintain, I want to extract all ACF data into PHP variables for my template to use.
Problem: if I do that I’ll need to declare all my PHP variables as global variables at the beginning of my template. Less ugly that the former, but still ugly.
Any alternative I haven’t thought of yet?
I think for repeater fields you can have a function for each specific task in same pages and call that function where required in the same file. For example:
Now, you can have all the function in separate file like:
It needs to be included in functions.php
Now, in the acf-functions.php,
Please don’t forget to pass the POST ID while calling a function and your function need to have one parameter which is POST ID as seen above.
Php — How to get post meta (advance custom field) in, Its bit annoying to to get post meta in JSON of custom post type. I am using «json-api» plugin but it is not providing to fetch all post metas of all posts for specific post type. For post meta I
Advanced custom field not return back result
i am using advanced custom filed and i made custom author field (it could be Publisher Or Brand etc) now this author’s name is not printing on product (Book) page . in custom field its for author’s name slug is ‘names’
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', "ACF_product_content", 10 ); function ACF_product_content() < echo '
ACF Content
'; if (function_exists('the_field'))< echo 'Woohoo, the_field function exists!
'; //the_field('authors'); echo ''; print_r(get_the_ID()); echo ''; echo '
'; print_r(get_field('authors')); echo ''; die; > >
for this i got the result Check this report screenshot . now problem is to show the Authors name which is [‘post_title’] in this array. i tried so many solutions but not working its not showing the result. i used to show this result by this code
‘names’ is the field name in ‘Authors’ custom field.
for display author name for below function
You may use one of the methods below . You have to strictly set $post otherwise get_the_ID() funtion return false .
global = $post; $custom_key = 'author'; $post_id = get_the_ID(); echo $customer_key_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $custom_key , true );
global = $post; $custom_key = 'author'; $post_id = get_the_ID(); $custom_values = get_post_custom_values( $custom_key , $post_id ); foreach ( $custom_values as $key => $value ) < echo "$key =>$value
"; >How to include WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin, I’m trying to get value from WordPress post custom field (with WordPress Advance Custom Field plugin) and echoing this the custom field value on a single (standalone) PHP file on WordPress root dir
Including ACF within a plugin or theme
The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is a powerful tool for developing bespoke websites and web-apps. Although designed primarily for individual use, it may also be used as a framework by both plugin and theme authors to power their free and premium products.
We encourage authors to include ACF and have only a few simple rules to follow, which we hope you respect. This guide outlines the do’s and don’ts when including ACF within you plugin or theme.
Product Types
When talking about a WordPress product, we can consider it as either a plugin, theme, premium plugin or premium theme.
Our rules differ only if your product is considered as free or premium, and not if it is a plugin or theme.
Please see the following table of rules that govern the inclusion of our plugins.
Include in a free plugin | ✅ | ❌ |
Include in a free theme | ✅ | ❌ |
Include in a premium plugin | ✅ | ✉️ |
Include in a premium theme | ✅ | ✉️ |
Include in an “ACF” plugin | ❌ | ❌ |
Share license key information | ❌ | ❌ |
Use as a selling point | ✅ | ❌ |
If you would like to include ACF PRO in your premium theme or plugin, please contact us to discuss the right subscription for you.
Notes about marketing
Although we love idea of you empowering your customers with intuitive publishing controls, we don’t love the idea of you advertising this to boost sales.
When including ACF PRO within your premium theme or premium plugin, please do not advertise this in your marketing material. For example, stay away from messages like “This theme also includes ACF PRO – normally $$$ – for free!”
Notes about “ACF” plugins
We do not allow ACF or ACF PRO to be included in any type of “ACF” extension or plugin. For example, a plugin named “ACF PRO Kit” that extends the plugin with extra features may not include ACF PRO. In this case, the “ACF PRO Kit” plugin should require ACF PRO to be installed.
How to include plugin files
To include ACF or ACF PRO within your plugin or theme, please download the appropriate ACF plugin files and copy them into your plugin or theme. We recommend using the folder “includes/acf” within your product files.
Next, use the following code as a starter to customize and include the ACF plugin into your plugin or theme.
Plugin / Theme PHP file
// Define path and URL to the ACF plugin. define( 'MY_ACF_PATH', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/includes/acf/' ); define( 'MY_ACF_URL', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/includes/acf/' ); // Include the ACF plugin. include_once( MY_ACF_PATH . 'acf.php' ); // Customize the url setting to fix incorrect asset URLs. add_filter('acf/settings/url', 'my_acf_settings_url'); function my_acf_settings_url( $url ) < return MY_ACF_URL; >// (Optional) Hide the ACF admin menu item. add_filter('acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false'); // When including the PRO plugin, hide the ACF Updates menu add_filter('acf/settings/show_updates', '__return_false', 100);
Including fields
Along with the plugin files itself, you will also need to include the field group definitions. We recommend either registering your field groups with PHP, or including a local JSON folder.
On this page
In this category
- Adding custom javascript to fields
- Adding Custom Settings to Fields
- Adding fields to a taxonomy term
- Adding fields to Media Attachments
- Adding fields to Menu Items
- Adding fields to Menus
- Adding fields to Posts
- Bidirectional Relationships
- Building Layouts With the Flexible Content Field in a Theme
- Create a front end form
- Creating a new field type
- Creating a WP archive with custom field filter
- Custom location rules
- Custom location rules
- Customize the WYSIWYG toolbars
- Debug, diagnose and solve
- Disable Custom Fields Editing on a Live Site
- Dynamically populate a select field’s choices
- Get values from a user
- Get values from a widget
- Get values from an options page
- Get values from another post
- Hiding empty fields
- How to activate
- How to get values from a comment
- How to help translate ACF into other languages
- How to update
- How to Use the Clone Field
- How to Use the Gallery Field
- How to Use the Repeater Field
- HTML Escaping
- Including ACF within a plugin or theme
- Integrating Custom Field Types With the WordPress REST API
- JavaScript API
- Known Issues
- Local JSON
- Move Fields Between Field Groups
- Moving WP elements (such as the content editor) within ACF fields
- Multilingual Custom Fields
- Options Page
- Order posts by custom fields
- Query posts by custom fields
- Querying relationship fields
- Register fields via PHP
- Register multiple options pages
- Registering a Custom Post Type
- Registering a Custom Taxonomy
- Sort a Repeater Field
- Synchronized JSON
- Translating this plugin
- Updates to ACF Field Functions in 5.11
- Upgrade Guide — ACF PRO
- Upgrade Guide — Version 4
- Upgrade Guide — Version 5
- Using acf_form to create a new post
- Working with Nested Repeaters
- WP REST API Integration