Add to java code

Adding ‘the’ in Java: A Guide

When a new component is added to a compound name object at a specific position, the other components present at or after that position are moved up by one position to make space for the new component. This method requires two parameters: «posn» which is the index where the new component should be added, and «comp» which is the new component itself.

CompoundName add() method in Java with Examples

To add a component to a CompoundName object, the add() method of the javax.naming.CompoundName class is utilized. It is important to note that there exist two distinct versions of this add method.

  1. The add(int, String) method allows for the addition of a component to a compound name object at a specific position indicated by the parameter posn. The new component, indicated by the parameter comp, is inserted at posn and all subsequent components are shifted up by one position to make room. This method is written in Java.
    The code from to > is followed by the output, which displays the result of Java code written between // Java program to demonstrate and .
  2. The method «add(String)» allows for the addition of a single component to the end of this compound name. The syntax for this method is as follows:
public Name add(String comp) throws InvalidNameException

The accepted parameter for this method is «comp», which refers to the component that will be added to the compound name object at its end.

The updated compoundName is the return value of this method, rather than a new one. It is important to note that the returned value must not be null. In case the compound name’s syntax would be violated by adding «comp» at the end of the name, the InvalidNameException will be thrown by this method. The following examples showcase the usage of the add() method in CompoundName: Example 1: Java // Java program to demonstrate // CompoundName.add() import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.CompoundName; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; public class GFG < public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidNameException < // need properties for CompoundName Properties props = new Properties(); props.put( "jndi.syntax.separator" , "@" ); props.put( "jndi.syntax.direction" , "left_to_right" ); // create compound name object CompoundName CompoundName1 = new CompoundName( "1@2@3@4@5@6@7" , props); // apply add() to add // new component at end CompoundName newCompoundName = (CompoundName) CompoundName1.add( "9" ); // print value System.out.println( "Updated CompoundName Object: " + newCompoundName); >> . Upon execution of this method, the output will be as follows:

Updated CompoundName Object: 1@2@3@4@5@6@7@9

Citations: The following links are from the official Java documentation for the javax.naming.CompoundName class: — The add(int, java.lang.String) method:, java.lang.String) — The add(java.lang.String) method:

Java ArrayList set(), The syntax of the add() and set() method looks quite similar. // syntax of add() arraylist.add(int index, E element) // syntax of set() arraylist.

Introduction to Java: Adding two integers

In this video, I explain a simple java program to add two numbers. I use Jdoodle, the online Duration: 10:23

Java Program Example: Add Two Numbers From a User

Full Java Course: you’re new to Duration: 3:52

Deque add() method in Java

The Deque Interface’s add(E e) function appends the passed element to the Deque’s end, provided there is room. If the Deque has limited capacity and there is no space for insertion, the function throws an IllegalStateException. The function returns true upon successful insertion.

To add an element to the end of the Deque, you must provide a mandatory parameter called «e».

The successful insertion will result in a true return value for this method.

The function has four exceptions associated with it, each of which is explained below.

  • This container encounters a ClassCastException while attempting to add an element, which happens when the element’s class is incompatible with the container.
  • An IllegalStateException occurs when an attempt is made to insert an item into a container that has reached its maximum capacity.
  • An IllegalArgumentException occurs when an element cannot be added to the Deque due to some property it possesses.
  • An exception known as «NullPointerException» may occur when attempting to insert a null element into the Deque, as this is not allowed by the interface.

The following examples demonstrate the implementation of the add() function in Deque.

One program utilizes the data structure known as a LinkedList.


The code snippets below are labeled as msdt_code1 to msdt_code52. 1. msdt_code1 2. msdt_code2 3. msdt_code3 and msdt_code4 4. msdt_code5, msdt_code6, and msdt_code7 5. msdt_code8 to msdt_code12 6. msdt_code13 to msdt_code15 7. msdt_code16 and msdt_code17 8. msdt_code18 and msdt_code19 9. msdt_code20 and msdt_code21 10. msdt_code22 to msdt_code25 11. msdt_code26 and msdt_code27 12. msdt_code28 to msdt_code31 13. msdt_code32 to msdt_code35 14. msdt_code36 to msdt_code39 15. msdt_code40 to msdt_code43 16. msdt_code44 and msdt_code45 17. msdt_code46 to msdt_code49 18. msdt_code50 and msdt_code51 19. msdt_code52.
Deque: [7855642, 35658786, 5278367, 74381793]

Program 2 utilizes the assistance of the data structure known as ArrayDeque.


The first four codes are // Java Program Demonstrate add() , // method of Deque , import , and java.util.*; . Following that are three codes: public , class , and GFG < . The next five codes are , public , static , void , and main(String[] args) . After that, come three codes: , throws , and IllegalStateException . The following two codes are and < . Next, there are two codes: and // create object of De1ue . Then, there are two codes: and DequeDQ . After that, come four codes: , = , new , and ArrayDeque(); . Following that are two codes: and // Add numbers to end of Deque . The next four codes are , DQ.add( , 7855642 , and ); . After that, there are four codes: , DQ.add( , 35658786 , and ); . Following that are four codes: , DQ.add( , 5278367 , and ); . The final four codes are , DQ.add( , 74381793 , and ); . The last three codes are , // before removing print Deque , and . The final three codes are System.out.println( , "Deque: " , and + DQ); . The last code is , followed by > and > .
Deque: [7855642, 35658786, 5278367, 74381793]

Program 3 utilizes the ConcurrentLinkedDeque data structure for its operations.


The text contains multiple codes, numbered from 1 to 54. Codes 1 to 4 are grouped together, followed by codes 5 and 6. Codes 7 to 9 are listed separately, followed by codes 10 to 14. Codes 15 to 17 are grouped together, followed by codes 18 and 19. Codes 20 and 21 are listed together, followed by codes 22 and 23. Codes 24 to 27 are grouped together, followed by codes 28 and 29. Codes 30 to 33 are listed separately, followed by codes 34 to 37. Codes 38 to 41 are grouped together, followed by codes 42 to 45. Codes 46 and 47 are listed together, followed by codes 48 to 51. Code 52 and 53 are listed together, and code 54 is listed separately.
Deque: [7855642, 35658786, 5278367, 74381793]

The fourth program utilizes the LinkedBlockingDeque data structure to achieve its objective.


The list of codes includes // Java Program Demonstrate add() through java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; , public through GFG < , through main(String[] args) , through IllegalStateException , and < , and // create object of De1ue , and DequeDQ , through LinkedBlockingDeque(); , and // Add numbers to end of Deque , through ); , through ); , through ); , through ); , and // before removing print Deque , through + DQ); , and > , and finally > .
Deque: [7855642, 35658786, 5278367, 74381793]

The following programs demonstrate the various exceptions that can be thrown by the add() method.

Program 5 aims to demonstrate the occurrence of a NullPointerException.


The text contains a list of codes from /// Java Program Demonstrate add() to > . The codes are organized into groups, with each group separated by a blank line. The first group of codes includes /// Java Program Demonstrate add() , // method of DeQue when Null is passed , import , java.util.*; , import , and java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; . The second group of codes includes public , class , GFG < . The third group of codes includes , public , static , void , and main(String[] args) . The fourth group of codes includes , throws , and IllegalStateException . The fifth group of codes includes and < . The sixth group of codes includes and // create object of DeQue . The seventh group of codes includes and DequeDQ . The eighth group of codes includes , = , new , and LinkedBlockingDeque(); . The ninth group of codes includes and // Add numbers to end of DeQue . The tenth group of codes includes , DQ.add( , 7855642 , and ); . The eleventh group of codes includes , DQ.add( , 35658786 , and ); . The twelfth group of codes includes , DQ.add( , 5278367 , and ); . The thirteenth group of codes includes and // when null is inserted . The fourteenth group of codes includes , DQ.add( , null , and ); . The fifteenth group of codes includes and // before removing print DeQue . The sixteenth group of codes includes , System.out.println( , "DeQue: " , and + DQ); . The seventeenth group of codes includes and > . Finally, the eighteenth group of codes includes > .
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque.offerLast( at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque.addLast( at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque.add( at GFG.main(

Program number 6 demonstrates the occurrence of an IllegalStateException.


The text comprises of 58 codes, which are listed below: Codes 1-4: // Java Program Demonstrate add() // method of Deque when capacity is full import java.util.*; Codes 5-6: import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; Codes 7-9: public class GFG < Codes 10-14: public static void main(String[] args) Codes 15-17: throws IllegalStateException Codes 18-19: < Codes 20-21: // create object of Deque Codes 22-29: DequeDQ = new LinkedBlockingDeque( 3 ); Codes 30-31: // Add numbers to end of Deque Codes 32-35: DQ.add( 7855642 ); Codes 36-39: DQ.add( 35658786 ); Codes 40-43: DQ.add( 5278367 ); Codes 44-49: // when capacity is full DQ.add( 10 ); Codes 50-55: // before removing print Deque System.out.println( "Deque: " + DQ); Code 56-57: > Code 58: >
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Deque full at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque.addLast( at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque.add( at GFG.main(

Please note that there are two additional exceptions that are not displayed within the compiler, as they are internal and depend on the specific compiler being used.

Here is the source you can refer to for more information:

Queue add() method in Java, Queue add() method in Java ; = new LinkedList(); · // before removing print queue. System.out.println(«Queue: » + Q); ; = new ArrayDeque

IntStream.Builder add() method in Java

The function add(int t) belonging to IntStream.Builder class is utilized for adding an element to the stream that is being constructed during the building phase.

default IntStream.Builder add(int t)

The function requires an essential input, namely the element «t», which will be streamed.

In case the builder has already transitioned to the built state, this method will throw an IllegalStateException. This indicates that the stream has entered its built phase, where no further changes can be made and no additional elements can be added to the stream.

Here are some illustrations that demonstrate the usage of the add() method.

The following codes are listed below: // Java code to show the implementation , // of IntStream.Builder add(int t) , , import ,; , , class , GFG < , , , // Driver code , , public , static , void , main(String[] args) , , < , , , // Declaring an empty Stream , , IntStream.Builder b = IntStream.builder(); , , , // Inserting elements into the stream , , // using IntStream.Builder add(int t) , , b.add( , 4 , ); , , b.add( , 5 , ); , , b.add( , 6 , ); , , b.add( , 7 , ); , , , // Creating the Stream , , // The stream has now entered the built phase , , // printing the elements , , System.out.println( , "Stream successfully built" , ); , ,; , , >, > .
Stream successfully built 4 5 6 7

As an instance of IllegalStateException, let’s consider the following example.


Insert/Add Statements to Java Source Code by using Eclipse JDT ASTRewrite

This code example is for inserting a statement to existing Java source code by using eclipse JDT. It works inside of a Plug-in.

For simplicity purpose, the following code simple add a method invocation statement called «add» to the first line of a method.

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { } public static void add() { int i = 1; System.out.println(i); } }

The code above becomes the following:

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { add(); } public static void add() { int i = 1; System.out.println(i); } }

Again, this is a completely working code tested under Eclipse Indigo.

private void AddStatements() throws MalformedTreeException, BadLocationException, CoreException { IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("testAddComments"); IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); IPackageFragment package1 = javaProject.getPackageFragments()[0]; // get first compilation unit ICompilationUnit unit = package1.getCompilationUnits()[0]; // parse compilation unit CompilationUnit astRoot = parse(unit); // create a ASTRewrite AST ast = astRoot.getAST(); ASTRewrite rewriter = ASTRewrite.create(ast); // for getting insertion position TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) astRoot.types().get(0); MethodDeclaration methodDecl = typeDecl.getMethods()[0]; Block block = methodDecl.getBody(); // create new statements for insertion MethodInvocation newInvocation = ast.newMethodInvocation(); newInvocation.setName(ast.newSimpleName("add")); Statement newStatement = ast.newExpressionStatement(newInvocation); //create ListRewrite ListRewrite listRewrite = rewriter.getListRewrite(block, Block.STATEMENTS_PROPERTY); listRewrite.insertFirst(newStatement, null); TextEdit edits = rewriter.rewriteAST(); // apply the text edits to the compilation unit Document document = new Document(unit.getSource()); edits.apply(document); // this is the code for adding statements unit.getBuffer().setContents(document.get()); }

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tags. For example:

I don’t understand exactly what you mean. Can you give me an example which shows your input and your expected output?

I need to add some strings and also an if-else that whenever the condition is right some part of the original code is executed do you think that the code here could help?
could you please guide me?

I get a “The method parse(ICompilationUnit) is undefined for the type Main” message.
Where Main is the name of my class and java file (
How could I fix it?


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