- HTML Textbox
- Syntax – HTML Textbox
- Attributes- HTML Textbox
- ID
- Primary Sidebar
- HTML textarea – How to Add a Text Box Input Type Tag to Your Website
- How to Add a Text Field to Your Website
- How to Add a Text Area to Your Website
- Conclusion
- HTML Textbox: A Comprehensive Guide
- What is an HTML Textbox?
- Here’s How to Land a Top Software Developer Job
- Setting a Default Value for the Textbox
- Multiline Textbox
- Specific Attributes of a Textbox
- Browser Support
- Next Steps
- About the Author
- Recommended Programs
HTML Textbox
HTML textbox is the single line text entry element. It is used to let the users type a single line of text whose length can be restricted by specifying the maximum length. The example of data that can be entered in an HTML textbox are name of a person, name of product, city name, search box etc.
Syntax – HTML Textbox
A textbox or simply a text field in an HTML form is created by using INPUT tag. The TYPE attribute is set to value “TEXT” to indicate that the control will accept only text/alphanumeric/symbol characters.
Attributes- HTML Textbox
HTML Textbox control uses the following attributes.
The TYPE attribute is used to define the type of control to be added in the HTML form.
This attribute is used to give identification to the textbox in a web form element. The ID must be an alphanumeric string. The ID value for each field of web form must be unique. This ID is used in a script to manipulate the data entered by a user in the textbox.
The NAME attribute is used to give name to the textbox that is used to access its values by the associated php or asp script file since the data is passed as keyword-value pairs. It is like a variable name holding a value given by user.
The SIZE attribute is used to define how much wide (in characters) the textbox is going to be. It’s the width of the textbox with which the textbox will be displayed to the visitor. If the user types more characters than the width of the textbox then these excess characters will be automatically left scrolled. The extra characters can be accessed by pressing the right arrow key.
This attribute defines how many characters can be typed in the textbox. The textbox will inhibit the user to enter any more characters than the value set in MAXLENGTH attribute.
The VALUE attribute represents the text entered by the user in the textbox. If you wish to have a default value to appear in the textbox when the HTML form renders in the browser window, you can specify it in the VALUE attribute.
Example using HTML Textbox
Your Name Email ID Job Designation
Primary Sidebar
- Introduction to HTML
- Structure of an HTML Program and its Layout
- HTML Tags
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Physical Tags for Text Formatting
- HTML Logical Formatting Tags
- Table Caption
- HTML Table TH – Table Header
- HTML Table TR – Table Row
- HTML Table TD – Table Data
- HTML Nested Table
- HTML UL- Unordered List
- HTML OL- Ordered List
- HTML DL -Definition List
- HTML Textbox
- HTML Password
- HTML Textarea
- HTML Checkbox
- HTML Radiobutton
- HTML Dropdown
- HTML Input File
- HTML Button
HTML textarea – How to Add a Text Box Input Type Tag to Your Website
Joel Olawanle
A text box is a section of your website where users can enter text. A blinking cursor appears when you click or tap on or inside the text box, indicating that you are ready to begin typing. And an on-screen keyboard will appear if you’re using a tablet or smartphone.
Text boxes are classified into two types: text fields and text areas. These two text boxes serve different purposes and help your user understand what they should be typing into the text box.
A text field is a small, typically rectangular box where you can enter a single line of text, such as a name, number, or any other short text type.
A text area is a larger box where you can enter multiple lines of text, such as descriptions, paragraphs, and so on.
When you tap the enter button in a text field, the cursor will either move to the following field or submit the form. In a text area, on the other hand, the cursor will move to a new line, creating a line break.
How to Add a Text Field to Your Website
Whenever you want a user to input something into a webpage, you can use the tag. Then, to ensure this is a text field, you can add the type attribute of text :
This will output a single-line text field on our web page, which can take in all forms of text values. We can also add a label tag or other attributes like the placeholder attribute to let users know what to input in the text field.
There are many more attributes we can define on a text field, such as the maxlength and minlength , to help define the maximum or the minimum amount of text a field can accept.
We can also pass in default values to our text filed with the value attribute:
How to Add a Text Area to Your Website
A text area is defined by a tag. You use it to collect unlimited multi-line text like comments or reviews.
You specify the size of a text area by the cols and rows attributes (or with CSS).
The textarea field does not use the value attribute to pass in default values, but you can place default content between the opening and closing tags.
Like the input tags, we can add the maxlength , minlength and placeholder attributes to the textarea field.
In this article, you have learned how to add a text box to your website using the and tags, depending on the type of text you wish to add.
You can learn more about HTML tags in the following resources:
HTML Textbox: A Comprehensive Guide
A textbox is a common input control in HTML, but it has various hidden attributes. An HTML text box is an area on the screen wherein the user can enter the text input. It is a common input element found in many software programs, such as web browsers, email clients, and word processors. When you click on the text box, a cursor is enabled, indicating the user can begin typing.
What is an HTML Textbox?
The HTML textbox is an input control that allows the user to enter the text input on the web page. The is used to create a textbox.
Here’s How to Land a Top Software Developer Job
Setting a Default Value for the Textbox
If you want to set the default value to a textbox, you can use the value attribute. Whenever the form is loaded, the default value is shown inside the textbox.
Multiline Textbox
The HTML is a tag used within a form to declare a multiline textbox that allows the user to input text over multiple lines.
Specific Attributes of a Textbox
The HTML textbox supports the following attributes:
It specifies that the text box should automatically get focused when the page loads.
It specifies the width of the text box.
It specifies the height of the text box.
It specifies the text to be wrapped in a text box.
It specifies the width of the text box based on the number of visible characters.
It specifies one or more forms.
It specifies the maximum number of characters in a text box.
It assigns the name to the text box.
It specifies the short hint about the text box.
Browser Support
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Next Steps
We sincerely hope that this article on HTML textbox offered you a brief insight into how you can enter the text input on your web pages. Although this is informational, to learn more about web development in its entirety, an appropriate certification is highly recommended for jumpstarting your coding career. Simplilearn’s Full Stack Java Developer will help you master web development and help you enhance your skills. The course explores a wide range of relevant topics, that cover front-end, middleware, and back-end technologies of web development using Java. You will learn to build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, store data using MongoDB, and much more.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the HTML tags article, let us know in the comments section of this article. Our experts will get back to you on the same, as soon as possible.
About the Author
Aryan Gupta
Aryan is a tech enthusiast who likes to stay updated about trending technologies of today. He is passionate about all things technology, a keen researcher, and writes to inspire. Aside from technology, he is an active football player and a keen enthusiast of the game.
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