Image Button
Name: Specifies the name of the object through which it can be referenced.
Src: Specifies the image source. i.e, the path of the image that has to be displayed.
Border: Specifies the border of the image source. If 0 is given, then no border will be displayed.
Alt: Specifies the alternate text that will appear if the image fails to load on a user’s screen.
height, width We can specify the dimensions of the image to display
formaction: URL ( address ) to which the form will be submitted, this takes precedence over the action attribute of the form.
formtarget: Where to display the target page ( response ), fromtarget=_blank will open a new window.
formenctype: The encoding methods , the are application/x-www-form-urlencoded , multipart/form-data, text/plain
This places an image button within the HTML form, which can be referenced by using its name «imgbtn» with a Alt text «Tool Tip». Tooltip refers to the text that has to be displayed when we place mouse over the image.
The image button will be displayed as below:
Example with a Web Form
Enter your name and click the button
Using Images as Hyperlinks
Images can also act as hyperlinks just as normal text. Just as text is made as a hotspot so as an image. i.e, by enclosing the tag wtihin the . tags.
Here the image acts as a hotspot and navigates to the file target_page.htm
Just as an underline appears on the text if we enclose text within . tags, a border will appear for the image that has been placed with in . tags. You can remove the border by setting the border attribute of tag to 0.
Click here for More on FORM and HTML fields
- Text Field to enter any (short ) text usually upto 100 chars length
- Hidden Field to pass data not visible to user
- Password Field Similar to text field but date entered is not masked or shown as **
- TextArea Entering large amount of text
- RadioButton Selecting one option out of many
- Checkbox Selecting one or more option out of many
- ButtonTo trigger user generated events or action
- Image Button Used to click actions for some script of event to happen
- Submit Button A button to all user entered data of a form
- Two Submit ButtonsSubmitting same form data to two different forms
- Submit new window Submitting form data to a new window
- Reset Button A button to reset the form data
- Drop-Down Menu Selecting one option from a list of option available in a list box or drop down menu
- Datalist Options to Select with Auto Complete facility
- Back Button Returning to previous page by clicking
- File UploadUploading files to the server by using html form
- Set focus Keeping cursor on input box at the time of page loading