About java and j2ee

Java vs J2EE: Difference and Comparison

Java is a class-based programming language derived from C and C++ and is a strictly object-oriented computer language used for desktop applications, game development, etc.

On the other hand, J2EE is based on Java programming language and is mainly used for web applications and services.

Key Takeaways

  1. Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language for developing various applications, including web, mobile, and desktop applications.
  2. J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a set of specifications, services, and protocols built on top of the Java language, designed to develop enterprise-level applications.
  3. Java and J2EE are related to software development, but Java is the core programming language, while J2EE is an extended platform for creating large-scale, multi-tiered applications.

Java vs J2EE

Java is an object-oriented computer language that is derived from C and C++, used in developing games and desktop applications. J2EE is a computing platform that is based on Java and is used to develop web applications and services. It was originally called Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

Java vs J2EE 1

Comparison Table

What is Java?

One of the most popular and known languages that are present everywhere in Java. It starts from web applications, web services, laptops, and computers to games, supercomputers, mobile phones and almost everywhere.

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Initially, it was developed as software for electronic devices such as remote controls, microwaves, etc. James Gosling developed it at Sun Microsystems in 1991.

The main idea behind this was to create a language that worked neutrally in different environments on different CPUs. This gave rise to Java, one of today’s most famous and influential programming languages.

One of the fantastic features of this language is that it has fewer implementation dependencies and can be developed on any device. Java can be assembled into one standard bytecode that works on all devices with a prebuilt Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

It is convenient and easy to use and can run on all JVM-compliant machines, making the program run on any platform irrespective of the architecture.

What is J2EE?

Originally known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition; Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) was developed by Sun Microsystems and later acquired by Oracle Corporation.

It developed 3 computing languages, i.e. Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition), Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and Java Micro Edition (Java ME).

J2EE is an extension of Java SE, i.e. it is developed using Java programming language. It is used for creating web-based applications.

It comprises a set of APIs, facilities, and customs that helps develop multi-tiered internet applications. It includes several technologies such as Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, etc.

It’s principally used for applications that can be obtained easily through browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc. Additionally, It is used for developing internet-related applications on WWW (World Wide Web) by creating standardized modular components.

The design of J2EE ensures that developers do not face many complexities while developing applications through its services. As a result, they can create patterns for greater efficiency and reliability.

It has some APIs and Java EE core technologies making it very powerful.

Main Differences Between Java and J2EE

  1. Java, also known as Java SE, stands for Java Standard Edition, used to describe Core Java whereas Originally known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE; Java EE, i.e. Java Enterprise Edition, is now changed to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE in version 5.
  2. Java is used mainly for developing applications (desktops), while J2EE is primarily used for creating web-based enterprise applications that can be used for both desktops and websites.
  3. Java has three main components, i.e. Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Development Kit (JDK), and Java Runtime Environment (JRE). J2EE contains Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
  4. Java is one of the most famous high-level programming languages for developing web content. It’s designed to run on all JVM-compliant platforms and is considered a simplified version of C++. At the same time, one of the central core technologies of Java is J2EE. Its primary use is to create server applications such as websites and web applications.
  5. The first version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) came from JDK Alpha and Beta in 1995, and the First version of J2EE came in May 1998 by the name JPE while the next came on December 12, 1999, by the name J2EE 1.2.

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About java and j2ee

The Enterprise Java BluePrints for the J2EE platform describe the J2EE application model and best practices for using the J2EE platform. Building on the J2SE platform, the J2EE application model provides a simplified approach to developing highly scalable and highly available internet or intranet based applications.

Thanks to the J2EE application model, maybe the most interesting thing about J2EE applications is what they don’t do. That is, various complexities inherent in enterprise applications — transaction management, life-cycle management, resource pooling — are built into the platform and provided automatically to the components it supports. Component and application developers are free to focus on specifics such as business logic and user interfaces.

Another advantage of the J2EE platform is that the application model encapsulates the layers of functionality in specific types of components. Business logic is encapsulated in Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components. Client interaction can be presented through plain HTML web pages, through web pages powered by applets, Java Servlets, or JavaServer Pages technology, or through stand-alone Java applications. Components communicate transparently using various standards: HTML, XML, HTTP, SSL, RMI, IIOP, and others.

Reusable J2EE components mean competitive choices for enterprise developers and IT organizations. The J2EE platform enables them to assemble applications from a combination of standard, commercially available components and their own custom components. From general business application components to vertical market solutions, a range of standardized J2EE functionality is available off the shelf.

This means that an e-commerce site could be built using a combination of off-the-shelf EJB components for shopping cart behaviors, modified EJB components for specialized customer services, and completely customized layouts using JavaServer Pages technology that bring a unique look and feel to the site.

This approach means faster development time, better quality, maintainability and portability, and Web services interoperability across a range of enterprise platforms. The bottom line benefits are increased programmer productivity, better strategic use of computing resources, and greater return on an organization’s technology investments.

Containers and Connectors: Hiding Complexity, Enhancing Portability

The J2EE application model divides enterprise applications into three fundamental parts: components, containers, and connectors. Components are the key focus of application developers, while system vendors implement containers and connectors to conceal complexity and promote portability.

Containers intercede between clients and components, providing services transparently to both, including transaction support and resource pooling. Container mediation allows many component behaviors to be specified at deployment time, rather than in program code.

Connectors sit beneath the J2EE platform, defining a portable service API that communicates with existing enterprise vendor offerings. Connectors promote flexibility by enabling a variety of implementations of specific services. In particular, connectors implementing pluggable messaging contracts enable bidirectional communication between J2EE components and enterprise systems.

Flexible User Interaction

The J2EE platform provides choices for graphical user interfaces across a company’s intranet or on the World Wide Web. Clients can run on desktops, laptops, PDAs, cell phones, and other devices. Pure client-side user interfaces can use standard HTML and Java applets. Support for simple HTML means quicker prototypes, and support for a broader range of clients. Additionally, the J2EE platform supports automatic download of the Java Plug-in to add applet support where it’s lacking. The J2EE platform also supports stand-alone Java application clients.

For server-side generation of dynamic content, the J2EE platform supports two types of web component technologies: Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlets enable developers to easily implement server-side behaviors that take full advantage of the power of the rich Java API. JavaServer Pages technology combines the ubiquity of HTML with the power of server-side dynamic content generation. The JSP 2.0 specification supports static templates, simplified access to Java objects, and easy extensibility.

Enterprise JavaBeans Component Model

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology enables a simplified approach to multitier application development, concealing application complexity and enabling the component developer to focus on business logic.

EJB technology gives developers the ability to model the full range of objects useful in the enterprise by defining several types of EJB components: session beans, entity beans, message-driven beans. Session beans represent behaviors associated with client sessions — for example, a user purchase transaction on an e-commerce site. Session beans can serve as Web service endpoints. Entity beans represent collections of data — such as rows in a relational database — and encapsulate operations on the data they represent. Entity beans are intended to be persistent, surviving as long as the data they’re associated with remains viable. Message-driven beans allow J2EE applications to process messages asynchronously. A message-driven bean normally acts as a JMS message listener, which is similar to an event listener except that it receives JMS messages instead of events. The messages may be sent by any J2EE component—an application client, another enterprise bean, or a Web component—or by a JMS application or system that does not use J2EE technology.

Web Services Interoperability

The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition version 1.4 is the most complete Web services platform ever. The platform features Web services support through the new JAX-RPC 1.1 API, which provides service endpoints based on servlets and enterprise beans. JAX-RPC 1.1 provides interoperability with Web services based on the WSDL and SOAP protocols. The J2EE 1.4 platform also supports the Web Services for J2EE specification, which defines deployment requirements for Web services and utilizes the JAX-RPC programming model. In addition to numerous Web services APIs, the J2EE 1.4 platform also features support for the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0. This means that in addition to platform independence and complete Web services support, the J2EE 1.4 platform offers platform Web services interoperability.

Expediting Development and Deployment

Based on these flexible component configurations, the J2EE application model means quicker development, easier customization and greater ability to deploy powerful enterprise applications. And, because it’s based on the Java programming language, this model enables all J2EE applications to achieve all the benefits of Java technology: scalability, portability, and programming ease.


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