About blank blocked html

About blank был заблокирован — Как разблокировать его быстро и безопасно

About:blank является стандартной страницей пустого загрузчика браузера. Она запускается по умолчанию, когда пользователь открывает новую вкладку или окно в своем браузере. Однако иногда пользователи сталкиваются с проблемой, когда about:blank блокируется и не может загрузиться в браузере. В этом случае, для решения проблемы, необходимо принять следующие действия:

1. Проверьте наличие вирусов на компьютере

Некоторые вирусы и вредоносные программы могут блокировать about:blank, чтобы перевести пользователя на злонамеренную страницу. Для того, чтобы решить проблему, необходимо просканировать компьютер с помощью антивирусной программы. Например, можно воспользоваться таким кодом:

javascript var antivirus = new AntiVirus(); if (antivirus.scan() !== 0) < console.log("Вирус обнаружен"); antivirus.delete(); >else

Если проблема с about:blank не связана с вирусами, то, возможно, проблема заключается в устаревшей версии браузера. В этом случае, необходимо обновить браузер до последней версии. Например, можно воспользоваться следующим кодом:

javascript var browser = new Browser(); if (browser.version === "7.0") < browser.update(); console.log("Браузер обновлен до версии " + browser.version); >else

3. Очистите кэш и историю браузера

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Кэш браузера и история могут временно сохранять некоторые данные, которые могут вызывать проблемы в работе браузера, включая about:blank. Для того, чтобы решить проблему, необходимо очистить кэш и историю браузера. Например, можно воспользоваться следующим кодом:

javascript var browser = new Browser(); browser.clearCache(); browser.clearHistory(); console.log("Кэш и история браузера очищены"); 

В итоге, если about:blank блокируется в браузере, то необходимо принять указанные выше меры – проверить наличие вирусов на компьютере, обновить браузер и очистить кэш и историю браузера.


What Is “about:blank” (or “about:blank#blocked”) and How Do I Get Rid of It?

About:blank is a special blank page in browsers that appears due to problems, malware, or malware removal. It can also be a useful home page.

I get the “about:blank” page whenever I run my browser. Lately I’ve been getting “about:blank#blocked”, too. What is a simple, fool-proof way to get rid of it?

About:blank is a blank page built into web browsers to display when they have nothing else to display.

It’s not something you “get rid of.”

The problem, of course, is that about:blank can show up unexpectedly. Here’s why, and what to do next.

“about:blank” is a blank page built into your web browser displayed when there’s nothing else to show. It’s not malware but can result from malware being removed. “about:blank#blocked” is sometimes displayed as the result of security software blocking access to something. “about:blank” can also be used as a fast browser homepage.

About about:blank

About:blank isn’t really “about” anything. The word “about:” is a keyword some browsers use as a way to enable some functionality or display standard pages. You can read more about “about:” in this Wikipedia article.

About:blank displays a blank page, similar to that shown above.

That’s it; about:blank is nothing more and nothing less than a blank page built into your browser.

Most browsers have to display something in the browser window. If they can’t figure out anything else to display, they display about:blank.

About:blank is not malware, but…

Since I keep hearing from people assuming otherwise, let me be extra clear:

about:blank is not malware

However, your browser may display about:blank because of malware.

Again, about:blank is not malware, it is not a virus, it is not malicious. At worst, it’s a symptom of malware. Malware sometimes breaks things, making your browser unable to display a page, in which case it displays about:blank instead.

The solution in these cases is to run up-to-date scans for malware.

Malware removal and about:blank

Malware can break your browser and leave it in a confused or broken state. The browser may also be left in such a state after malware is removed.

What that means is the process of removing malware might cause the browser to become confused. Perhaps it was displaying a page provided by the malware which, once removed, leaves the browser nothing to display. The browser must display something, so it displays about:blank.


In recent months, we’ve also seen reports of the browser displaying the about:blank page with an element reference 1 of “blocked”.

This is apparently used by some security packages, and perhaps even the security features in some browsers, to block access to links or content that are considered risky or malicious. The reason is simple: the browser needs to display a page, but the original target is blocked for security reasons, so about:blank is displayed instead. The element “blocked” is added to describe what’s happened.

If this is something you’re seeing regularly, review your browser security settings, your security software settings, and your browser extensions.

Since there are so many reasons this can appear, there is no single fix I’m aware of.

About:blank as your browser homepage

Your browser homepage is the page you see when you first run the browser or hit the “Home” button.

You can set the homepage to whatever you like. “About:blank” is one option, specifically because since there’s nothing to display — it’s a blank page, after all — it’s fast.

Edge menu, highlighting the Settings option

As an example, in the most recent version of Microsoft Edge, click on the ellipsis icon in the upper right of the menu bar, and then on Settings in the resulting menu.

about:blank set as the opening page

The result will list “about:blank” as the page to open when you start Microsoft Edge.

Now your browser will (quickly) return to about:blank whenever you click the Home button and when you first open the browser.

How do I get rid of about blank on Chrome?

About:blank is not something you “get rid of”. Instead, you need to look for the reason that Chrome is displaying this built-in blank page. It can be the result of having been set as the browser home page, which you can set in Chrome Settings. It can also be a side effect of malware being present or having been removed.

Do this

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About Blank Blocked: How To Remove the About Blank Popups-Should You Remove It?

About Blank blocked: Whether you are using Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, or any other browser, Blank is nothing more than a blank page in your browser tab. A page with the caption “About: empty” appears both in the address bar and in the title of the tab page. This blank page is often visible in your browser when you click on a link or else when you open a new tab or window.

What do we mean by Blank? Is it malware, a bad internet connection, or a bad link? How can I stop it? There are so many reasons why Blank appears on your screen. In general, blank pages are not a problem.

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Is About Blank Virus or Malware?

Many people find “About Blank” to be malicious malware that infiltrates their PCs through the Internet. Basically, “about blank” is a blank web page that the web browser displays when in a situation where it needs to show you a blank page.

As mentioned earlier, about_blank or “about blank” is one of the [[command] options available in the browser. : [command] options can be used to perform a specific function in the browser. By predicting the about command, web browsers are prompted to do social work, internal work, and not visit the original web page.

about:blank#blocked, about blank blocked, chrome about:blank#blocked, about blank#blocked, about:blank#blocked chrome,

about blank blocked

Why use About Blank?

About Blank” is a blank web page without any code, content, or script, so why use “About Blank”? There are different contexts in which “About Blank” is very useful and there are some advantages to using it.

Please open a new tab too quickly without loading the webpage; it may take a while.
Open a new, clean tab to start surfing.
Prevents showing or hiding regularly visited web pages.
Prevent bandwidth usage with an initially blank web page.
Prevents Google search as a browser start page.
Turn your home page into a blank screen.

How to stop empty popups in your browser?

Suppose you can see the odd_blank or “about blank” page while in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, for example, don’t worry. However, if you view the “About Blank” page in your web browser without changing your surfing behavior, there may be a hacking attempt on your computer or the hijacker may take control.

If you see such popup windows on your computer screen, the best thing to do is scan a full system using good antivirus software or anti-malware programs. It quickly removes hidden malware. You can also reset the home page URL of your web browser.

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About Blank Chrome

In the Google Chrome Settings menu or the address bar, type “chrome: // settings /.” In the “On startup” section, select “Open a specific page or set of pages” below.

Set “Site URL” below to “About: Blank,” then click the “Add” button.

The new “About: Blank” is listed as the start page.

About Blank Mozilla Firefox

Open Mozilla Firefox settings from the menu or type “About: Preferences” in the address bar. Then click on “Home” in the left sidebar, where you will see the following screen.

Select the “blank page” equivalent to “About: Configure” in the “Home page and new window” configuration. You can also put “custom URLs” and type “about config.”

About Blank Safari

Click Preferences-> General for Apple Safari browser, which opens the following simple setup screen. Set the value of “Home Page” to “About: Empty.”

About Blank Blocked

About Blank Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer

First of all, you shouldn’t be using the old Internet Explorer. Open Microsoft Edge browser, then in the Edge menu, click on “Show advanced settings” as below.

In the page configuration, select “A specific page,” which will open a text where we will put “about blank”—the last step we will save by clicking on the floppy disk icon.

In the most recent version of Microsoft Edge, click the ellipsis icon at the top right of the menu bar, then click Settings in the resulting menu.

Edge menu, highlighting the Settings option

Click On Startup in the left menu to access the startup options.
Click Open one or more specific pages
Click Add New Page
Enter “about: empty” as a new page to add
Click Add

About Blank Blocked

The result will show “about blank” as the page opens when you start Microsoft Edge.

To activate and set the Home button to approximately: empty:

Click on Appearance in the left menu
Click Show Home Button to activate it
Enter “about blank” as the page to go to when you click Home.

about:blank#blocked, about blank blocked, chrome about:blank#blocked, about blank#blocked, about:blank#blocked chrome,


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